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Thread: Workouts and Dbol

  1. #1

    Exclamation Workouts and Dbol

    Hey everyone...

    Just curious If i was taking dbol, would I be able to train twice a day?

    Just asking because mate of mine said he recovers alot quickly whilst on dbol which in turn allows him to train more often...

    What are your views on this?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    in my own world
    it depends... are you talking about training one mucle group earlier in the day and another later on? or one muscle group twice a day? alot of people will work out twice a day but two different muscle groups. you should really only work one muscle once during that day for an hour real hard (or maybe longer depending on the muscle group) any thing else and your going to be over working that muscle group and you will stop getting results.... thats a big mistake alot of people do, they over work there muscle's and they stop growing...they need time to rest so they can grow. i know what your friend is talking about. when i ran a test, deca, d-bol cycle i almost never got tired when i worked out and felt like i needed to work out again....although obviously i was getting more than enough of a work out. hope this helps. good luck

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