I am currently on a cycle of Test E (500 mg/wk) and Deca (400 mg/wk) and I am getting some pump and pain in my jaw after chewing gum for a few hours. My jaw will actually have about 25% bite strength even for hours after I stop the chewing the gum until my bite strength returns to normal the following day. I only ever have this problem when on cycle. I know this may seem ridiculous, but I was curious as to why this is happening...seems to me to be more than just a pump as it takes so long for my jaw to return to normal. My jaw has seemed to be getting a bit larger since the start of my cycle...about 5 weeks in. I did a 4 week DBol jumpstart as well at just 20 mg per day. Am also using Arimidex at .25mg per day. Any input is appreciated. Thanks bros....