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  1. #1
    dragon24 is offline New Member
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    Question Starting fourth cycle Need Input


    Propinate or Sustanon ?

    What is the doses you would recommend.

    I have a good base im about 185lbs i have some fat around the handles that i would like to turn into muscle. Other than that i am very fit.

    thanks -d-

  2. #2
    WHITETIGER0424 is offline New Member
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    What is your diet like?????? How tall?

  3. #3
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragon24 View Post

    Propinate or Sustanon ?

    What is the doses you would recommend.

    I have a good base im about 185lbs i have some fat around the handles that i would like to turn into muscle. Other than that i am very fit.

    thanks -d-
    fat can be gained or lost, but never turned into muscle. Give us all your stats, experiance, what was your last cycle.

  4. #4
    dragon24 is offline New Member
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    I started my 3rd cycle 8 months ago and it lasted 4 months. I stacked Tren A and Sust 250 took a shot every other day. TrenA 75mg and Sust250 half an amp to start then a full amp. Tapered off the last two weeks to 37mg TrenA and 3/4 of an amp with the sust250. Then took nova for the 2 weeks after. Im 6ft 185lbs lift 6 days a week and mix cardio in on 3 of those days. My diet 3 protein shakes a day morning, lunch, and after workout around 150grams. I only drink water and eat red meat, fish, and chicken but not to much red meat.
    Last edited by dragon24; 12-05-2007 at 09:50 AM. Reason: forgot something!~

  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Quote Originally Posted by dragon24 View Post
    I started my 3rd cycle 8 months ago and it lasted 4 months. I stacked Tren A and Sust 250 took a shot every other day. TrenA 75mg and Sust250 half an amp to start then a full amp. Tapered off the last two weeks to 37mg TrenA and 3/4 of an amp with the sust250. Then took nova for the 2 weeks after. Im 6ft 185lbs lift 6 days a week and mix cardio in on 3 of those days. My diet 3 protein shakes a day morning, lunch, and after workout around 150grams. I only drink water and eat red meat, fish, and chicken but not to much red meat.
    Bro 16 weeks of tren ??? your third cycle and still only 185lbs...Not flaming you bro but something isnt right...I wouldnt worry about cycling so much as I would my nutrition intake...did you do a proper pct after your last cycle??

  6. #6
    dragon24 is offline New Member
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    I went through a pretty rough divorce/custody case about 4 months ago. I lost alot of weight/mass. After i finished my third cycle i was 205lbs but i was alot more bulky and less cut up than i am right now. Also i have made excellent strength gains. I am stronger and more cut right now than i have ever been and im not on anything. So i am asking for some advice on this next cycle. I dont want to be massive just get back up to around 200 and be cut. I have access to alot of gear just need some good advice on what to take to reach my goal.

  7. #7
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    still 6 0' 205 after 3rd cycle with tren ... thats still small man .... unless your were 6% bf.... something is up with your diet get that in check first ....

  8. #8
    dragon24 is offline New Member
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    It was more than a year between my 2 and 3 cycles. Got deployed to iraq !~

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    From the look of ur stack with the anavar clen and trenabol, i'd guess ur goin ur a lean mass/cutter type cycle in which case ur gonna want to use the propionate as it is a base in cutting cycles, ur gonna be stickin urself alot tho especially with that trenabol and you don't need to overdue it on the clen, its pretty potent stuff. You should be nice and ripped although since it is winter time I dont' really see the point of running a cycle like that unless ur goin to comp somewhere.

  10. #10
    V.D.O.P's Avatar
    V.D.O.P is offline Junior Member
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    from your stats and the context of your post, i suggest training for a couple years naturally. you have no idea what you're getting yourself into

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