Thread: 50mg dbols
12-03-2007, 07:07 PM #1
50mg dbols
So I have some dbol waiting to be used for my next upcoming cycle of test and deca . only problem is they are 50mg capsules, not pills. I know they are legit becuase my buddy took half for his cycle and gave me the rest so i now have 30. enough for 4 weeks. Anyways, they worked real well for him and he took them once a day before his workout. Now i know dbol has a relatively short half life i think 12 hours? and its recomended to be split up during the day. This will be my second time with dbol and the first time i split it up throughout the day. Can i just take the 50mg capsule at once before a workout and benefit from it or should i consider re-capping?
12-03-2007, 07:33 PM #2
Slit your caps into 2, that should be 25mg each.
Or just take the whole 50mgs.
Everyone takes them at different times.
You said you took it before, How did it work the first time?
If you were happy, take them the same way.
Dbol life is 8 hours.
Do what works best for you.
Myself, i take 50mgs every morning for 4 weeks.
Test e /500mgs/ twice a week/14 weeks
Peace Out.
12-03-2007, 07:33 PM #3
Im sorry the wording was a little confusing in regards to my last cycle. The last cycle i was taking those pink thai ones or faked thai ones. ANyways, they were 5mg per pill and i split it up for a total of 30mg per day.
12-03-2007, 07:35 PM #4
Ok, thats what im thinking of doing. but like i just stated above the last cycle was with 5mg pinkies. The caps are full of powder which means an inaccurate dose if split into two? might just save the hassle and take them once daily...
12-03-2007, 07:39 PM #5
Actually it wouldn't
The majority of the cap will be filler. Whether it be dextrose, baking soda, creatine etc.
So, splitting it in 2 will not yield 25mg of dbol each.
I had some 50mg dbol caps last spring...just take 1 preworkout and around the same time of the day on nonworkout days..
12-03-2007, 07:44 PM #6
just take them once a day. Its not going to matter
12-03-2007, 08:04 PM #7
k, sounds good. Thanks!
12-03-2007, 08:20 PM #8
u could ask 5 differant bros and get 6 differant answers on this.Some split the dose thru out the day some all at once.I've had good results splitting them 50mg ed 25 in the morning 25 later on in the day whatever works for u
12-03-2007, 08:24 PM #9
12-03-2007, 08:25 PM #10
yeah but the capules as one pointed out are made mainly of filler so the dose would be uneven. Ill stick with once daily and let you guys know how that goes. should be ok and thanx for the replys!
12-03-2007, 08:25 PM #11
thank u
12-03-2007, 08:34 PM #12
Yes this is true that they have many fillers in them...but they are mixed in large batches with these fillers and then capped....So if it truely is an uneven mix then your caps will have concentrations of acual steroid across the charts from capsule to capsule.
These are usually mixed very carefully and thoroughly before capping, and I stress usually... So you wouldn't have that much of a problem if you poured the contents out of each one and took half at one time then half the next
you're welcome
12-03-2007, 08:48 PM #13
12-03-2007, 09:02 PM #14
12-03-2007, 09:09 PM #15
yup, your basic two choices really.
if you were to take the one big dose, I would suggest you take it more towords bed time (if it doesn't interfer with sleep in the first place) Since when you sleep is when your body does the majority of it's healing and growing....not during the daytime and certainly not while in the gym
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