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Thread: HCG Help

  1. #1
    Bill Bellamy's Avatar
    Bill Bellamy is offline Junior Member
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    HCG Help

    I have been doing a lot of research on hcg and still not sure exactly how i should take this during my cycle. My cycle is

    500mg eq 12 wk
    250mg test 12 weeks

    specifically how much and when should i take the hcg DURING these 12 weeks.

    and briefly what is the benefit of adding HCG during cycle

    Please no PCT or cycle critiques

    thanks for any help

  2. #2
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    No need for HCG . That cycle is very light. Youll make good gains but its not as harsh as 19nor compounds in which you would probably want to use HCG. Why waste the money on it? get food with the money you spend on hcg, seriuosly you do not need it.

  3. #3
    Coop77's Avatar
    Coop77 is offline Senior Member
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    There are a lot of different opinions about how and when to use hCG .

    Even very low dosages of test will completely shut down natural testicle function. Shut down is shut down. A low dosage of hCG is a welcome addition to just about any cycle, in my opinion. I would wait and see if you experience any ball shrinkage. If so, 250iu every other day is all that's needed to maintain normal testicle function. Might want to use more if they're really shrunk.

  4. #4
    Wavelover is offline Junior Member
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    My ball size just back to normal after 8 week cycle (first cycle) using mild-dose of Sus, no HCG but nolva during cycle and PCT with clomid started 3 weeks after last injection.
    For low dose of AAS and short cycle (8-10 weeks), HCG is not necessary.

  5. #5
    fsu1985 is offline Junior Member
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    a shot of hcg isn't neccesary. hell, pct isn't neccesary. however if you have it available -do it. your natural production of testosterone is going to be suppressed which is going to make your nuts shrivel into sun-dried tomatoes.

    there are soo many different ways to take hcg. the idea of hcg is to send a message to your nut sack to produce testosterone through some hormone which i forget the name (i think it might be called follicle or luetinizing stimulating hormone??) either way, the name of the hormone doesn't really matter. here is a good way that works for me- - - im sure you know this but i am trying to get at something

    like i said, hcg sends a message to your testes to produce testosterone. this message can only be sent so many times by this chemical before the your nuts will not respond to the message.

    some people say to take it every day, well doing so causes the message to get weaker and weaker like i mentioned before. where my theory and way comes into play, i take 3,000 ius of it every 5th to tenth day when taking it "on cycle" or as a method of PCT. its not something, in my opinoin, that should be taking every other day or every tuesday and saterday. i said 5 to ten days but you should be able to tell, the purpose of it is to be nut juice, right? if your nuts are gone after the 6th day stick yourself again, kinda have to figure out how it works for you..

    be carful with that shiet, it can have some negative sides. look out for increased estragen too when taking it- your balls are naturally producing test in the testicles, which is going to naturally increase your estragen. and- like i mentioned before, dont over due it or treat it like it is something you just take every other day. best of luck

  6. #6
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    in my own world
    both sides have a good point....bumbage for more info and critiques on both sides...

  7. #7
    Wavelover is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2007
    Good point, you gave me useful info.Considering my 50 yo I'm gonna use HCG for the next cycle... Thanks

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