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  1. #1
    buff_it_up is offline New Member
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    Steriods and Working Out

    Hey guys...

    So im just wanting to know something...

    Currently on dbol and wanting to know if I can train more since steriods repair the body faster...

    So to say i wanted to workout 1hour session in morning and one at night...

    Would this affect gains?

    Any advice appreciated...


  2. #2
    luckylou's Avatar
    luckylou is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff_it_up View Post
    Hey guys...

    So im just wanting to know something...

    Currently on dbol and wanting to know if I can train more since steriods repair the body faster...

    So to say i wanted to workout 1hour session in morning and one at night...

    Would this affect gains?

    Any advice appreciated...

    Steroids repair the Body?

    Diet is the key along with your sumplements.
    remember if you train/lift hard your tearing your mucles down, and they need to rebuild at night (when you sleep)

    Plus you need at least 1.5 grams of protein per body lb every day.
    exampl, 200lbs person x 1.5 grams protein = 300 grams of protein.
    plus mix in some Creatine. (Creatine is still king)

    You can spead as much or more on suppliments, as yoou do on a cycle of roids.

    But you need them everyday, or your just not training properly.

    Steroids is not a Quick fix.

    Diet is 90%
    Roids is 10%

    without a proper diet your gains will be near nothing.

    say you gain 20lbs off a test e cycle,
    you can maybe keep 16lbs with a proper diet and pct.

    Dbol you will get huge on cycle in 4 weeks, (unless its Junk Gear)then you will loose it, its all water. you will Look (BLOATED, FAT)

    Why are you just taking DBOL only?
    Dbol is a kick start for a cycle.
    you should have added some test for 12 weeks with it.

    Please do some reaserch before you jump into something.
    my 1st cycle i made so many mistakes, becase i wanted to hurry up and start a cycle before i did enough reaserch on it.

    Peace Out.

  3. #3
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    no ull be overtrained in no time,i dont know how many days u train but if u wanted to bump it up i would increase the intensity

  4. #4
    The WeaPoN is offline Junior Member
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    i only up my workouts by alittle bit,

  5. #5
    pigrond's Avatar
    pigrond is offline Member
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    train harder not more often .more weight more straining more struggle i do about 2hrs at the gym while on cycle not counting cardio . i push myself to the absolute limits while on cycle .i still train hard off just not as long or as intense

  6. #6
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by pigrond
    train harder not more often .more weight more straining more struggle i do about 2hrs at the gym while on cycle not counting cardio . i push myself to the absolute limits while on cycle .i still train hard off just not as long or as intense

  7. #7
    xjmj15x is offline New Member
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    what kind of test would you add, is it an oral pill

  8. #8
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by xjmj15x View Post
    what kind of test would you add, is it an oral pill
    Nope, injectable sir.

    Hows your diet? How many calories every day?

  9. #9
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    GREAT ADVICE LUCKYLOU! ^^^^^ yeah you should get your diet in check first, do alot more research, then decide if roids are best for you. if you decide to juice, them d-bol 40mg everyday for weeks 1-4, and test cypionate or enanthate for weeks 1-12... and proper pct. do alot of research on PCT before you decide to juice or not and make sure you have everything on hand before you start your cycle..... eat well and train hard.

  10. #10
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    Geeeezzzz, please stop using if you dont know any more than that.

  11. #11
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by green22
    Geeeezzzz, please stop using if you dont know any more than that.
    someone finally said what i was thinking,

  12. #12
    basshead69 is offline Associate Member
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    damn dude it doesn't seem to me like your ready for steroids you simpley do now know enough you should be running test and you actullay asked if test comes in a pill lol. Do some more research stick around here then run a cycle.

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