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  1. #1
    boxer08's Avatar
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    14 and started aas

    I have a cousin that started to use steroids at the age of 14 and still is now, he has just turned 18. He decided to go to the doctors soon to have bloodwork done when he does i will post in was it was if any one is intrested. He has done 4 cycles and is on his 5th at the moment. The were
    1- 25mg dianabol 20 days

    2- 750mg sustanon 12 weeks
    30mg dianabol 8 weeks, 2 weeks off, 2 back on
    400mg deca 10 weeks

    3- 750mg test cyp 10weeks
    400mg deca 8 weeks
    50mg dianabol 6 weeks

    4- 750mg test eth 10 weeks
    50mg dianabol 4 weeks

    5- 750mg hes on the 5 month of this one
    25mg dianabol started 1 month ago

    He hasent really done any good pct for any cycle and still recoverd well hasent had any bad side effects only a few spots now and again and and little bit of shrinking in the teticles which they came back up by themselves and has still continued to grow in height since he started.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    what f**kin idiot gave him steroids ?

    those courses are pretty heavy and would have cost a lot, sure at 14 he didnt pay for them himself!

  4. #4
    boxer08's Avatar
    boxer08 is offline Senior Member
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    5'11, 206 pounds also started out as an ectomorph and the starting age was 15 sorry.

  5. #5
    boxer08's Avatar
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    yes he did pay himself he was working.

  6. #6
    Lexed's Avatar
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    as long as he gets his blood work done and everything is ok it really dosnt matter. I dont think there is anypoint lecturing him about him using steroids at 14.

  7. #7
    Reprisal 6's Avatar
    Reprisal 6 is offline Associate Member
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    Since there is no question, I will just make a comment.

    No matter how the results come back, good or bad, I hope the message is clear that it's still not a good idea to start steroids that young.

    Best Wishes

  8. #8
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    well the point is that he hasnt had it done yet and he could have very well possibly ****ed his reproductive system

  9. #9
    boxer08's Avatar
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    He will find out soon.

  10. #10
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxer08
    He will find out soon.
    i would imagine afte 4 cycles starting at age 14 his endocrine system isnt doing too well

  11. #11
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    15!!!! thats ridiculous!!!!!!!! and the dosages arent exacly low eather!!!!

  12. #12
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    I am sure he has messed with his endocrine system for sure.

    I myself mine up for good I think myself.

    Test levels at 15 were 800 and now at 20 they are half that...

  13. #13
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    5'11'' 206 isn't all that big, he could have done that natural and then some if he started lifting at 15. I was 6'1'' 225 by my freshman year in college. No juice for me until 27. Where are you going with this anyway, not a message I would want to be a part of putting out.

  14. #14
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    Agreed as well.

    He could easily have gotten to 206 naturally....and thats assuming he is lean/

  15. #15
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    damn thats some crazy shit

  16. #16
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  17. #17
    celticd's Avatar
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    jesus were his parents stoned that u wouldnt notice this unnatural growth at that age
    i dont think i had hair on my nuts at 14 and this kids been popping steroids !!
    who ever was selling the steroids to this kid needs a slapping,thats just a pure scumbag to wana make a few quid of the back of a kid who knows nothing about the dangers of steroid abuse at such a young age
    make sure ur cousin goes and be totally up front with the doctor,im sure hell be needing more than one blood test
    keep us posted on how this goes

  18. #18
    luckylou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by celticd View Post
    jesus were his parents stoned that u wouldnt notice this unnatural growth at that age
    i dont think i had hair on my nuts at 14 and this kids been popping steroids !!
    who ever was selling the steroids to this kid needs a slapping,thats just a pure scumbag to wana make a few quid of the back of a kid who knows nothing about the dangers of steroid abuse at such a young age
    make sure ur cousin goes and be totally up front with the doctor,im sure hell be needing more than one blood test
    keep us posted on how this goes
    the hell with the roids, he has Squid on his back!

  19. #19
    ZiOh6's Avatar
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    IN MY LAB ;)

  20. #20
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    chic a chic a whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

  21. #21
    boxer08's Avatar
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    as soon as he gets his bloodwork done i will post in

  22. #22
    Baron is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by celticd View Post
    jesus were his parents stoned that u wouldnt notice this unnatural growth at that age
    i dont think i had hair on my nuts at 14 and this kids been popping steroids !!
    who ever was selling the steroids to this kid needs a slapping,thats just a pure scumbag to wana make a few quid of the back of a kid who knows nothing about the dangers of steroid abuse at such a young age
    make sure ur cousin goes and be totally up front with the doctor,im sure hell be needing more than one blood test
    keep us posted on how this goes
    My parents were sure i was doing roids at that age cause i went from super skinny to super jacked in a few months. Boy wer they wrong. Its hard to tell sometimes, some kids are just muscle-bound, and you dont rlly except a 14 y/o to get his hands on roids.

    Ironically now they dont suspect anything, yet im actually doing roids/hgh/other goodies. Funny.

  23. #23
    p4p1's Avatar
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    wow!!! am shocked. i was just getting my first Peace of a.s.s at the age never mind gear.

  24. #24
    GimmeAHellYeah's Avatar
    GimmeAHellYeah is offline Junior Member
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    Wow. I thought I was retarded for starting at 19... Lets hope this kid atleast has a better doctor then mine and can fix this kid.

  25. #25
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    WOW! 15 fvckn years old. Were were the parents? ANd u know his friends were using it 2.

  26. #26
    fl2tn's Avatar
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    Im curious to see what his blood results are being that young and jacked, im sure it will be interesting.

  27. #27
    Juicy J is offline Associate Member
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    13 was the age when i first started taking phs

  28. #28
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    and i thought i was dumb startin at 17 lol

  29. #29
    Baron is offline Associate Member
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    you guys would be suprised. I know plently of people who have started around that age for sports.

  30. #30
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  31. #31
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baron
    you guys would be suprised. I know plently of people who have started around that age for sports.
    i'm not suprised, that doesnt mean that it was a good idea for them to start that early. We're here to give out sensible steroid advice, starting at that age is ridiculous.

  32. #32
    Baron is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i'm not suprised, that doesnt mean that it was a good idea for them to start that early. We're here to give out sensible steroid advice, starting at that age is ridiculous.
    well, agreed. Ofcourse it isnt a good "idea". But thing is, its not gonna stop. People have the wrong approach. Like these boards for example: When a young guy posts here about doing a cycle at age X, people just pretty much make fun of him. he gets banned/thread locked and life goes on. IRL a doctor or freind will basically say "hey thats bad for you dont do that ever". The government says the same thing. "Bad, dont do". Which in turn makes it more appealing for these little dudes to do.

    Take what you said as an example. "Lets give sensible advice, starting at that age is ridiculous". To a child that may translate 2: "steroids are ridiculously kewl, i will be ridiculously jacked!".

    I think if half these kids knew ONE thing theyd never do steroids in the first place: Stunted growth. Your going agaisnt the grain by stunting your growth if you plan on going pro. If half or all of my freinds knew this, they probably wouldav never touched the stuff.

    Everyone always bombards teens with: liver damage, acne, agression. Stuff they dont even really care about. If you told them all theyll be 5'2 forever maybe theyd think twice.

  33. #33
    rock75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxer08 View Post
    He will find out soon.
    blood work won't necessarily reflect this, this might come to the fore front when he is 30 and wants to have kids and can't - he'll sit there scratching is head wondering where he went wrong or how this could have happened to him... but at least he was jacked at 16
    Last edited by rock75; 12-20-2007 at 08:25 PM.

  34. #34
    rock75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxer08 View Post
    I have a cousin that started to use steroids at the age of 14 and still is now, he has just turned 18. He decided to go to the doctors soon to have bloodwork done when he does i will post in was it was if any one is intrested. He has done 4 cycles and is on his 5th at the moment. The were
    1- 25mg dianabol 20 days

    2- 750mg sustanon 12 weeks
    30mg dianabol 8 weeks, 2 weeks off, 2 back on
    400mg deca 10 weeks

    3- 750mg test cyp 10weeks
    400mg deca 8 weeks
    50mg dianabol 6 weeks

    4- 750mg test eth 10 weeks
    50mg dianabol 4 weeks

    5- 750mg hes on the 5 month of this one
    25mg dianabol started 1 month ago

    He hasent really done any good pct for any cycle and still recoverd well hasent had any bad side effects only a few spots now and again and and little bit of shrinking in the teticles which they came back up by themselves and has still continued to grow in height since he started.
    Are you fvking crazy - there is no reason why he is running that amount for 5 months - absurd and as his "cousin" you should advise him to stop and start pct and get his endo work done immediately - he could really be doing a lot of damage to his natural levels to the point where he will be on HRT the remainder of his life. Totally irresponsible on your part to even let this go on knowingly.

  35. #35
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    I was more than 206lbs at age 18 without gear. Its sad kids think steroids are magic beans, the answer is train and diet.

    I guess there is no point in lecturing him about it now but the message should be clear to others this is a very bad idea and steroids are not to be rushed into no matter what your age you should do as much research as possible. Let’s hope he hasn’t ****ed himself up too badly. I’ll be interested to see his blood work results.

    Ps. he’s lucky he’s to be 5,11 I would have though the steroids would have stunted his growth. They probably did, what height is the rest of your family? I’ll bet he’d be several inches taller if he didn’t use gear.

  36. #36
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    thats a pretty big 15 year old..or 14 year old. whatever he was. at 14/15 that was a BIG mistake. No base. Just starting puberty. Could not be done growing naturally. i really dont know what to say...

  37. #37
    Unoid is offline Member
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    gyno prolly has been a prob for him.

    Well at least now hee can get on HRT soon!
    Life long steroids in his future.

  38. #38
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Those are some pretty heavy cycles for a 15 year old.

    Most of the guys I knew juicing in high school would take like 200-300mg deca a week until the bottle ran out...

    Not that I condone a 15 year old juicing, but unfortunately its not that uncommon.

  39. #39
    jhh1580 is offline New Member
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    i agree its not uncommon at all people were juicing when i was in high school and will continue so dont lecture him it probably wouldnt work anyway, even though i didnt think about doing it until 25

  40. #40
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    Lets all pray for little timmy roid head

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