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Thread: how should i take anadrol?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    London, England

    how should i take anadrol?

    I am at week 7 of a dbol/sus cycle, i stopped the dbol(35mg ED) at week six and am gonna be taking sustanon for another two weeks (until week nine) that means i have had 3 weeks rest on orals, is it ok to then start taking anadrol from week 9 to week 14

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    London, England
    also if i take 50mg ED should i break the tab in half and take half in the morning and half at night or just take a whole one once a day??

  3. #3
    i think even after a 3 wk break from orals,drol isnt a great choice to run to extend your cycle.
    i would save it for the beginning of your next cycle

    if i were to use anything i would choose winny!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Keep the drol for your next cycle bro!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    London, England
    ok then what about if i do what i said with the anadrol but after 2 weeks of anadrol I add deca on for 6-8 weeks so the anadrol isnt at the end of the cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    London, England
    that was gonna be my second cycle anyway why not add it on to my first one (saves time and clomid)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The Gym
    I think you should have researched more before you went into your cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    London, England
    i researched big time before my cycle mate

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well bro if u did u would i would not go with droll afetr only 3 weeks break ,like plates said if anything winny.u did dbol for 6 wich is still a long time then u want to jump on droll for anothr 5 ?those are very powerful and toxic 17 alk orals.what ru talking about i cant really seem to understand ur question ,on the other ,u wnat to add two weeks of deca ?why ?it would be a waste it takes 21 days to hit u so u tell me .its a long acting ester u wanna end witha mild short acting ester .its ussually best when added inthe begging to kick start everything rightaway,and also pretty much has to be stacked .so at the end it woul be by it sel no test to aid it some all the water ud gain ud loose .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    London, England
    you dont know what your talking about coz you didnt read my post properly i said i want add deca for 6-8 weeks not from weeks 6-8 idiot

  11. #11
    whoa! relax clarkey!
    theres a no name calling policy here
    your post is getting kind of confusing so just relax,we are here as friends trying to help each other out!
    if you are set on adding the drol,then do it!
    but please dont be a mule and ask for constructive critisism and then get annoyed when you get it!
    my advice is this take it or leave it
    i think the best thing to end your cycle with is winny.
    save the deca and the drol for another cycle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    London, England
    i understand mate but i didnt ask for any critisism and i understand that i'll be stressing my liver but i just wanted to know if i will still gain or not and if i do take if should i take 1 50mg tab ED or break it in half and have half in the morning and half at night coz it only has a half life of 8-9 hours as you probably know

  13. #13

    Re: how should i take anadrol?

    Originally posted by clarkey
    is it ok to then start taking anadrol from week 9 to week 14

    looks like you asked,to me

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    London, England
    I just wanna know why shoudnt i do it if the only reason is my liver might fuck up then i aint worried cos i was on a low dosage of dbol, but if its coz i wont get any gains then i wont do it bro

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    anadrol that late

    Dude taking anandrol that late in your cycle is bad in my opinion. If i was going to take anadrol i would have taken it instead of the dbol in the early stages of the cycle. If this is your first cycle i would stay away from it totally. I would not start taking anadrol till least my 5-6 cycle.


  16. #16
    alevok Guest
    Powerful steroids must be used at the beginning of a cycle. You can continue with less powerful and toxic ones.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Mate! you are seriously letting the side down here.

    1.) Don't flame or get shitty here, if I see it again I will not hestiate in banning you.

    2.) You obviously haven't taken Anadrol, trust me this is a serious drug, even at 50mg ED, with milk thistle, ALA, and other protectants you are likely to suffer from stomach cramps, mild liver pain. The majority of size gained on it is from water, which if you stopped taking anadrol without have some other AAS in the system now and for some time after will mean that any gains are history, using A50 at the end of a cycle is not affective, it may be a fast acting oral, but it does not offer the same properties as winny, or anaver both of which will help keep the gains of a cycle based with a long-acting injectable like suston (ps I hope you haven't bought that Karachi shit!)

    3.) Why run such a long cycle for a first timer? Why add two c177a orals to a first cycle? Why run sus on its own? When are you starting clomid, what anti'e do you have available, what are your goals, stats?

    No one here flamed you, they offered you sensible advice, shit bro whether you fuck yourself up or not is not our concern, run drol at the end see what happens, split the dose morning/eveing, see what you gain see what you lose.......I guarantee the above replies are spot on, and all a50 user will agree.

    IMO if you want to switch to a fast acting ester, which is a good plan and aids post-cycle recovery, run prop and winny from 9-12 and start clomid week 13.

    And yes I did see you want to add deca for 6-8 week, so you want an approx 17 week cycle for your first one? Do you know how hard deca alone affect the HPTA? The deca and sus should ahave been run at the same time, not one after the other......this indicates either you haven't reseached or have had some bad advice.

    Last edited by Big Al; 09-09-2002 at 06:14 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I was 145lbs with only three months training prior to starting the cycle and I am now 165lbs, is this good for a first cycle(i'm not finished yet though)
    My God, three months training, 35 posts which prove you haven't research or no jack shit.

    This thread greatly disappoints me.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    big al said it best!clarkey u little immature boy,u just cma eon here u ahve what 35 posts or so and u wanna call people names ?u claim uve doen lots of research but it come out u donbt know shit and frok ur question we can see that ,if u actualy had done research u wouldnt have posted this .for all i care take drol 1-9 weeks with the dbol .do soem research though before u display ur ignorance .

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I was 145lbs with only three months training prior to starting the cycle
    Are you fucking kidding?!?!?!?!?

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