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Thread: 3rd cylce help!

  1. #1
    Readytoride07 is offline New Member
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    Exclamation 3rd cylce help!

    I want to run a 6-8 week mass cycle and was thinking about running Deca Durabolin 300 and Sustanon 250-300.This will be my first high dose cycle(ran 2 cycles before.My 2nd cycle I did my PCT with Novidex after waiting 2 weeks from last shot.Ran PCT for 3 weeks keeping 60% of my gains.)I was thinking about doing one big injection of 400-600 mgs of Sus. and 300-350 mgs of Deca every Sunday.BUT this is only a short cylce and I am concered I won't see the gains I would see if I ran these combo for 10-12 weeks.Can someone shed some light or refer another good short mass cycle with MGs to take.

  2. #2
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
    KeepingItBalanced is offline Associate Member
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    This is not a good cycle. The doses aren't high enough. I think you are saying to do one inject of test at 400-600mg and 300-350mgs of deca once a week. That would make you crash hard.

    I think Sustanon and Deca should be ran longer. Some guys do 8. Sustanon and Deca both need about 10 weeks minimum for full benefits, but testosterone should be ran about two weeks longer than deca. The deca dose larger than test can often cause problems. Additionally, Sustanon needs to be injected EOD to cut back on sides and get the full benefits of the short esters.

    If you want to do a short cycle, maybe something like 100mg test prop every day, 50-75mg of NPP ed, and some sort of oral kick start.

    Or just go for something simple like Test E or C at 500mg/week with 25mg dbol kick start

    What are your stats?
    Last edited by KeepingItBalanced; 12-13-2007 at 11:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Readytoride07 is offline New Member
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    Yeah I wanted to do Deca 300,sus 300 and d-bol on my 4th cycle anyways for 12 weeks.I was thinking about Test Prop.anyways but i'll prolly do Test E.and D-bol.Would I need Clomid and what about PCT wait 1-2 weeks then run PCT for 2?

    I can send you pictuers.My Bicips are sitting on 15" close to 16".I never realy messured anything like calfs what not.But my back is the most stunning feture you can see my upper lats beneth my arms.My tris and my chest need some work but i'm still forming.I have low body fat so my top 2 abs are visible.If I can get 10-15 pnds i'll be good.When I was 15 I work out till I was right at 17 I weighed the same but was pretty buff.I was also 5'5 then.

  4. #4
    Readytoride07 is offline New Member
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    My problem with taking 100 mg of the fact of the burning and also I don't know a reliable place to abtain Syaryines(can someone e-mail me a link?)I have 25 now.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Readytoride07 View Post
    I want to run a 6-8 week mass cycle and was thinking about running Deca Durabolin 300 and Sustanon 250-300.This will be my first high dose cycle(ran 2 cycles before.My 2nd cycle I did my PCT with Novidex after waiting 2 weeks from last shot.Ran PCT for 3 weeks keeping 60% of my gains.)I was thinking about doing one big injection of 400-600 mgs of Sus. and 300-350 mgs of Deca every Sunday.BUT this is only a short cylce and I am concered I won't see the gains I would see if I ran these combo for 10-12 weeks.Can someone shed some light or refer another good short mass cycle with MGs to take.
    Dude you need to do some serious research,sus needs to be shoot eod and deca twice a week not to mention a 6 week cycle using long esters isnt really a great Idea.And I dont understand whats so hard about buying pins they sell them at friggen walmart,most drug stores also carry them.

  6. #6
    Readytoride07 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by canadian meat View Post
    Dude you need to do some serious research,sus needs to be shoot eod and deca twice a week not to mention a 6 week cycle using long esters isnt really a great Idea.And I dont understand whats so hard about buying pins they sell them at friggen walmart,most drug stores also carry them.
    That's why I am here so I don't f*ck up my body lol.When you say *pins*do you mean the acual needel?Were I am at the FBI has not 1 but 2 locations.They are HEAVlY busting pepole for steriods .But that's why I was asking becuase of the longer ester in Sus. and Deca .I've got all I need i'll run the Test E with D-bol for has suggested thank you for your time everyone!I'll check back if I need some more help!

  7. #7
    reconforce4 is offline Associate Member
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    ya u gotta watch out

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