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  1. #1
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    200mg of Test Cyp EW, esto risk?

    Hi all,

    Figured I would ask the question here, vs. the HRT forum, as a lot of guys here likely have some experience with doses far above this. Just curious if 200mg a week of test cyp holds much of a risk for conversion to estradiol?


    26 years old
    190-200 pounds
    17-18% BF

    I do have arimidex , and nolva on hand, for in case I get any problems, however I would just like to hear some others opinions on weather a dose like this for a relatively long cycle, such as 18-24 weeks?

    This is the odd part, the 200mg a week, has been prescribed for me, by a doctor as long term (on for life) TRT. MY LH and FSH were very high, and my testosterone , and FreeT was in the lower 1/3rd of the range. Primary hypogonadism.

    My jaw hit the floor when my doctor said 200mg weekly, as everything I have read suggests that 100mg a week is usually plenty.

    However, I was not going to argue with him , as getting 200mg of test a week, scribed for life seems like a great thing. I could always take half at 100mg weekly if that is enough, and save the other half to do higher dose cycles with periodically.

    What I would like to hear from guys here, who know a lot about dose related sides, is how common it is for 200mg a week to even cause sides when on a long cycle? Ussually I do not hear about guys reaching for the nolva or arimidex until they are above 500mg of test EW or more.

    My Urologist claimed that he has had a lot of guys on this dose for years on end too.
    Last edited by meathead320; 12-15-2007 at 10:18 AM.

  2. #2
    JasonR is offline Member
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    PM Kale.. hes also cruising

  3. #3
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonR View Post
    PM Kale.. hes also cruising
    Thanks, I just PM'ed him, sent him a link to the thread.

    Anyway, I should add that I was also considering spiking the 200mg a week with Proviron .

    Even just breaking the proviron 25mg pills into 1/4th, and taking 6.25mg daily.

    Just to free up a little more test, and keep the E2 from getting too high.

    Any thoughts on that?

  4. #4
    crypticaddict is offline Junior Member
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    meh, I have a script for 250mg weekly. No pct, obviously. Been taking it for 18 months, no signs of gyno.

  5. #5
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    under 300 mgs you should not need anti-e

  6. #6
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    alot of guys are splitting doses in half and shooting twice a week to keep levels constant.This should help with sides as well

  7. #7
    bpm1's Avatar
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    i agree you SHOULDNT have any estro issues but id keep an eye on my teets anyways, gyno sucks

  8. #8
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Thanks guys, that is kind of what I was thinking.

    I got Arimidex and nolva on hand for incase I need them anyway.

    So far I have not noticed any sides, beside being horny all the time, and my lifts improving, ohh, and taking some size off my waist.

    I have considered taking a quarter less CC, so only 150mg, or even dropping it to only .5cc or 100mg and just saving the extra stuff to do the occasional higher dose cycle with.

    I know some guys stay at the top of the range, 1600 ng/dl+ and free to Of 30 pg/ml on only 100mg EW.

    I was recently told that 200mg EW is a little high for HRT, and just a little low for a real cycle.

    Sort of a in-between dose.

    Anyone think there would be any real health risk if I just kept it at 200mg EW?

    Blood getting too thick after a long time?

    SO far it looks like the worst that could happen is for my test levels to be really high and for my doc to lower the dose. I'm kind of liking the way 200mg EW feels.

    The next blood test is scheduled for the last day before the next shot, on Feb 11th. My guess is I will not look overly high on the lab at that point.
    Last edited by meathead320; 12-16-2007 at 06:56 PM.

  9. #9
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious View Post
    under 300 mgs you should not need anti-e
    i don't agree with that... people who are gyno prone such as myself should always use a serm or an aromitase inhibitor... even if your not gyno prone i would use a serm at least...

  10. #10
    JasonR is offline Member
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    Nobody knows what are the long term effects of cruising at an HRT overdose. 100 is more than enough to make u feel like a boy, 200 is starting to get athletic...

    I would say do the 200 if you wish, but also COMPLETE bloodwork panel every 3 months.
    Otherwise stick to the normal 70-100mg EW.

  11. #11
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonR View Post
    Nobody knows what are the long term effects of cruising at an HRT overdose. 100 is more than enough to make u feel like a boy, 200 is starting to get athletic...

    I would say do the 200 if you wish, but also COMPLETE bloodwork panel every 3 months.
    Otherwise stick to the normal 70-100mg EW.
    That is kind of what I was leaning toward.

    I am thinking that 100mg weekly will be my regular protocol.

    It may be a bit shady of me, but I ain't going to mention that to the doc.

    If he says "wow your doing great at 200mg", then I will be just fine with him thinking that.

    The extra will just get used in the occasional higher dose cycle, which will be easy to come off of, as I never do PCT again.

  12. #12
    JasonR is offline Member
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    Stay on 100mg forever-because thats what safe for you, and blast with 500mg for regular 12 weeks cycles using time off=time on+pct protocol (time off = 100mg)

    That way ur staying safe, and cycling like ur normal

    I also wouldnt do my "blast" cycles with long esters, u never know when u gonna have to do a bloodtest and u want to know that if something comes up (gyno, BP, etc) u could stop and 2 days after, there will be no more test in ur system.

    100mg Test E for life
    Short esters as 6-10 week blasts, like regular cycles.

    thats just IMO, im not in your situation, and im not an HRT guy, where is kale ?

  13. #13
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonR View Post
    Stay on 100mg forever-because thats what safe for you, and blast with 500mg for regular 12 weeks cycles using time off=time on+pct protocol (time off = 100mg)

    That way ur staying safe, and cycling like ur normal

    I also wouldnt do my "blast" cycles with long esters, u never know when u gonna have to do a bloodtest and u want to know that if something comes up (gyno, BP, etc) u could stop and 2 days after, there will be no more test in ur system.

    100mg Test E for life
    Short esters as 6-10 week blasts, like regular cycles.

    thats just IMO, im not in your situation, and im not an HRT guy, where is kale ?

    He answered some questions for me in PM.

    My doc is pretty good about giving me the blood tests on my schedule. I have my Blood tests scheduled 10 weeks in advance, so a pop test is not really and issue.

    However, if I do an accasional cycle at a higher dose, at the end I will make sure to come down to just 100mg again. Kind of nice actually, no post-cycle crash. Would be easy enough to keep gains.

    Doing the occasional oral cycle would be an option too, as again, the test is already there, and again no crash.

    Is that why it is called "cruising"?

  14. #14
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    He answered some questions for me in PM.

    My doc is pretty good about giving me the blood tests on my schedule. I have my Blood tests scheduled 10 weeks in advance, so a pop test is not really and issue.

    However, if I do an accasional cycle at a higher dose, at the end I will make sure to come down to just 100mg again. Kind of nice actually, no post-cycle crash. Would be easy enough to keep gains.

    Doing the occasional oral cycle would be an option too, as again, the test is already there, and again no crash.

    Is that why it is called "cruising"?
    Thats exactly why its called cruising

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