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Thread: back on track

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    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2006
    in my lounge

    Arrow back on track

    hey guys, though I was about to quit my planned cycle of 16weeks Test E, 14weeks EQ, 8weeks Tren & 5weeks Dbol , in week 3 due to losin my wife - i bit the bulet and used the added natural aggro to hit the gym harder than ever before. just made some changes to my cycle - in particular savin the Tren for a later run in 08 due to the difficulties I'm havin with insomnia already plus having added quite a bit of cardio to my regime in order to power myself out. Starting week 6 of overall cycle on Monday and week 5 of Dbol. Gains are starting to get really visible and I am feeling great in the gym - havin massive pumps and weights are going up by the week. Planning to take 2 weeks off oral gear after the Dbol and then add Halo at 40mgs/day for 4 weeks for some increased strength/aggro and endurance on my MMA training - what you think of that idea guys? further since I will not be incorporating Tren into my cycle I guess that caber will not be necessery and the Adex I am running throughout at .5 eod should suffice. PCT will pretty much stay the same with HCG , Nolva and Aromasin , though playin with the idea of adding Clen and T3 to maintain gains and cut up.
    Question on the side since I'll be doing quite a lot of military type circuit and cardio as of Jan - any of you ever used EPO while on gear? I couldn't find much about it online other than the usual info that it is high in demand among cyclists, tri-athletes and iron man competitors ....
    Last edited by davidinvienna; 12-15-2007 at 12:01 PM. Reason: edit

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