***WARNING: This drug is NOT to be used by WOMEN. It can/will cause serious physical injury and death to women especially women who are or may be pregnant.***
Commercial Name: Cloprostenol Sodium for Injection
Synonym: PG-CL
Formulation: C22H28CLNAO6
PG-CL is synthetic analogue of PG-F2 there is 5 different analogues experimented with and PG-CL found to be the most effective with least side effect , normal PGf2 needed huge doses and still didnt yeild nearly same results and more side effects. PG-CL works on Microgram basis compare to PG-F2 in milligrams so its 1000 times stronger on per Mg basis , according to phizer it absorbed right through skin and the fact PG-CL works in micrograms make it suitable for transdermal and even sublingual use.
To the Wishful Bodybuilder: PGCL removes water and bloat from your steroid cycle, it gives you pumps like IGF, melts fat like DNP, 1000x stronger then PGF2 on per mg basis with less side effects and its not a controlled drug either, guys who used it with deca or test reported huge pumps so its seems to be synergic with AAS. This stuff is supposed to encourage site growth at the spot of injection and destroy gyno.
This is pretty much uncharted territory and no physician in his right mind would approve of these methods for determining PGCL's effect or safety in bodybuilding MEN. The literature on prostoglandins in bodybuilding is very limited.
Intended Purpose: For intramuscular use in beef and dairy cattle to induce luteolysis (premature birth or abortion).
Again, women of childbearing age, asthmatics, and persons with bronchial and other respiratory problems should exercise extreme caution when handling this product. Cloprostenol is readily absorbed through the skin and may cause abortion and/or bronchiospasms. Accidental spillage on the skin should be washed off immediately with soap and water.
Similar to HGH, IGF, ect. Use sterile or bac. water to reconstitute the powdered PCGL. Once you have reconstituted it, you can store it in a dark place at room temperature. It'll last about a month. My PCGL came in amps so I store it in preloaded barrels.
Typical dose: 35-50 mcgs, 3x daily should be good for the newb. It also down regulates so you need to run it similar to Clenbuterol (1-2 weeks on/off). You should also plan on getting (10) 500 mcg amps of this stuff so that you can play with it and find what works best for you.
You can inject this SubQ or IM with a 29g 1" or 1/2" pin anywhere on the body. However, many users try to stay as far from the gut as possible for obvious shitter reasons.
The injection can "bite" sometimes so be ready for that. Also, plan on spending some time on the toilet. Id suggest not jumping in car for a Sunday drive after injecting this stuff, unless you bring a diaper.
I'll continue to edit the above as I get more familiar/educated with the drug. I welcome any comments, ideas, or experiences...
Im going to run this stuff at 50mcgs x 3/ed for 7 days, then take a break.
Dont ask for pics, cause youre not getting any...
Day 1, 830:AM
Injected IM 50mcgs into my upper right pec. Felt a bite from the injection, but nothing serious. Body rush after 10 minutes. After 25 minutes I felt my guts tighten up BIG TIME followed by extreme diarrhea. Felt generally sick for tightness of breath for the next 30 minutes.
Second meal, no issues. Felt normal
Workout. Back and Bis. Great workout, very strong, thirsty, nice pumps and vascularity. Who knows could have just been a good day.
2nd injection IM 50mcgs into my left pec. 10 minutes later my stomach knotted up but no poops. Im pretty damn thirsty even though Im drinking a lot. Im pissing about every 30 minutes.
Stomach feels crampish, but nothing too bad.
Back to normal.
Pre-Dinner injection. IM 50 mcgs into right pec. The injection stung like pretty good this time. Instant feeling of fuzzy head and slow cramping in stomach.
Stomach cramps got pretty bad. Its almost like a combo between a feeling like I need to crap and a feeling that I just blasted my abs with crunches. I gave up the fight and went to the toilet. It took a few minutes and then, presto! More this time than this morning.
Much better however, I feel a little headache coming on, my lips are very dry. Ive actually had a mild headache since noon. Im very thirsty and Im drinking as much as I can. I piss about every 20-30 minutes too. Long, steady stream.
Overall first day impressions
Im still motivated to continue use. Believe it or not, I feel "harder" and my muscles do look fuller like when Im on cycle. If I flex hard, I start to see veins that I have not seen in a while. Im impressed...I weigh 2lbs lighter than I did last night at this time...Who knows, too early to tell whats for real.
note: Ill keep adding to this as I go along. Thanks for the read. Also, I pulled much of this info from other forums and websites.