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  1. #1
    Nworb is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005

    2nd cycle w/ modifications

    Any more feedback would be great, thank u for your time in advance
    modifications from before
    extended use of eq14 weeks and test 15 weeks
    front loading of eq for 2 weeks
    now 3 weeks off of eq before pct(was 2 weeks)

    week 1-5 dbol 40mg ed
    week 1-2 eq 1000 split into mon and thurs doeses
    week 3-14 eq400 split into mon and thurs doses
    week 1-15 test e500 split into mon and thurs doses
    week 11-15 win 50 mg ed
    week 16-17 only win 50 mg ed
    week 18clomid day 1 300mg day 2-6 100mg
    week 19 clomid day 1-7 100 mg
    week 20 clomid day 1-7 100 mg
    week 21 clomid day 1-7 50 mg
    week 1-21 vitamin b6 200mg ed

    Any comments or suggestions?
    any guesses on gains?
    -Im dreaming for about 40 pounds
    -more expecting 30 pounds
    -i want to keep 25-35 if possible
    how is the length?

    my old post:
    This will be my second cycle
    my first cycle was
    test e 500 for 12 weeks
    and 50mg of winny for 14weeks
    use of letro was required for gyno...
    I was 185 prior to the cycle and ended up at 215 the last day of the cycle
    I am now 205 and marginally weaker than when i finished my cycle
    I am about 11(inch test) to 13(handheld electric test) percent body fat.
    I have been lifting since I was 14 I am now 21.

    this cycle will be pretty basic i think
    i will have letro on hand
    week 1-19 vitamin b6 200mg ed
    week 1-12 test e500 split into mon and thurs doses
    week 1-12 eq400 split into mon and thurs doses
    week 1-5 dbol 40mg ed
    week 8-12 only win 50 mg ed
    week 13-14 only win 50 mg ed
    week 16 clomid day 1 300mg day 2-6 100mg
    week 17 clomid day 1-7 100 mg
    week 18 clomid day 1-7 100 mg
    week 19 clomid day 1-7 50 mg

  2. #2
    Nworb is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005
    ttt how am i looking here? comments? suggestions?

  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Id like to see you add a little more to your pct. Clomid alone might be a bit weak. How about an AI and hcg ?

    Also, imo, Id bump the EQ up to 600 mg/ew (week 3-14)

    Gains are impossible to guess, all depends on what goes in and out of your refrigerator on a daily basis. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Nworb is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005
    I will have letro on tap for an AI
    and finances are keeping the eq down, I could spring for more eq,but id rather not

  5. #5
    Nworb is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005
    how would u recomend running the hcg , Id rather not run it tho.
    Anyone else have any thoughts about this cycle?
    Last edited by Nworb; 12-16-2007 at 10:35 PM.

  6. #6
    big_dubya33's Avatar
    big_dubya33 is offline Associate Member
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    agree pct is weak for a long cycle. i've used anthony roberts protocol 2x with good results

    good luck

  7. #7
    Nworb is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005
    should I change the pct or shorten the cycle

  8. #8
    reconforce4 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    uprgrade ur pct, and get some nolva to prevent gyno

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