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Thread: my tren e burns

  1. #1
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    my tren e burns

    I rarely if ever complain about injecting, and most the time I look down on guys that start threads about injections hurting, but damn, never in my 5 years of consistent aas use has anything ever stung as bad as this tren e that I am running. Has anyone else heard of this?

  2. #2
    cache49's Avatar
    cache49 is offline Associate Member
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    West Coast, Southern BC
    Never run Tren E but I am running Tren A right now ed and the inj burn emmidiatly and for about three four hours afterwards, maybe high BA concentration??? Dunno. In the beginning of my AAS days, I went thru hell trying to figure out why the day after every inj I could baraely walk. It was savage, I would swell up and develop a bump the size of my fist attached to my ass. I even had to take time off work! Thru trial and error I concluded that every product that would give me trouble contained some ammount of prop, know for soreness, all blends etc. Im highly sensitive to it. No prop for me, inj pain is no joke and very frusterating for new users. The awnser was simple, once I found it, but I almost gave up on AAS as I couldnt understand it. Off topic, I know, but IMO you shoulnt look down on someone because they have problems with injections. No disrespect but.... cheers.

  3. #3
    VWbug66's Avatar
    VWbug66 is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2007
    get sum sterile oil me and i 'll shoot ya the site..its sterile filtered oil, so you wont hafta filter it and all that shit..

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