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  1. #1
    Maurice is offline New Member
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    Two newbies with cycle questions

    I have been reading these forums for about a week now and do have some questions. Two of us are looking to start some cycles
    27 years old
    205 lbs
    body fat is about 18%
    diet ( i lost 20 pounds in two months via atkins) but now back to high protein and carb
    Training - lift 4x minimum a week...bench 245
    No previous cycles
    Goals - get bigger arms and chest while losing about 3% more body fat over time

    165 lbs
    body fat is less than 10%
    diet - eat whatever
    training - 3x a week
    Previous cycle of d-bols 80mgs a sick and had liver issues...must learn from mistakes
    Goals - bigger

    So anyways, we are looking for a good first cycle to start and just want to know what you guys think.

    also, does any of this cause high blood pressure?

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Cun0144 is offline Junior Member
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    So delete
    Last edited by Cun0144; 04-29-2013 at 03:22 PM.

  3. #3
    Maurice is offline New Member
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    that was the general idea between us. we were reading on anadrol and dbol and saw that oral is not recommended over injectable.

    Anti estrogen with this?

  4. #4
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    nice and simple cycle

  5. #5
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice View Post
    I have been reading these forums for about a week now and do have some questions. Two of us are looking to start some cycles
    27 years old
    205 lbs
    body fat is about 18%
    diet ( i lost 20 pounds in two months via atkins) but now back to high protein and carb
    Training - lift 4x minimum a week...bench 245
    No previous cycles
    Goals - get bigger arms and chest while losing about 3% more body fat over time

    165 lbs
    body fat is less than 10%
    diet - eat whatever
    training - 3x a week
    Previous cycle of d-bols 80mgs a sick and had liver issues...must learn from mistakes
    Goals - bigger

    So anyways, we are looking for a good first cycle to start and just want to know what you guys think.

    also, does any of this cause high blood pressure?

    thanks in advance

    first thing - diet

    keep away from atkins type diets while on aas as they effect ya cholesteral and atkins type diets are not good on cholesteral so the combination of the two could be dangerous to your heart.

    your mate also needs to sort out his diet before considering aas.
    while using aas your diet needs to be spot on and controlled, eating just anything wont do while on them.

    go to the diet forum and get ya diets in order first.

    then once it is....

    sort out a pct
    check the pct forum - the anthony roberts one is good, but for just test enth you could get away with just nolva like jacked said.

    then only once these are both sorted

    weeks 1-4 dbol (around the 50mg per day mark)
    weeks 1-12 test enth 500mg per week (250mg twice per week)
    Last edited by shifty_git; 12-17-2007 at 12:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Maurice is offline New Member
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    figuring then
    week 1 - 12 test e @ 500 mg a week (250 mgs every 3.5 days)
    week 1 - 4 dbol @ 40mg every day

    then for pct go nolva @ 20 mgs ever day for weeks 13 - 17

    And having nolva on hand will be good if gyno kicks in

  7. #7
    Maurice is offline New Member
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    yes diet is an issue. considering we are starting january we have a bit of time to clear things out. I know with all the red meats and all cholesterol has been a concern.

  8. #8
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice View Post
    figuring then
    week 1 - 12 test e @ 500 mg a week (250 mgs every 3.5 days)
    week 1 - 4 dbol @ 40mg every day

    then for pct go nolva @ 20 mgs ever day for weeks 13 - 17

    And having nolva on hand will be good if gyno kicks in
    if you keep ya diet clean gyno shouldnt be a problem, but if u start to notice puffiness round ya nips use a bit of ya nolva while on cycle.

    might want to splash out and get arimidex for this, n save ya nolva for ya pct.

  9. #9
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    whilst on your cycle and during pct you need to keep calories as high as possible to maximise gains. i would recommend eating 6 or 7 meals per day high protein and carbs.

  10. #10
    Maurice is offline New Member
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    thanks guys, looks like this is the way to go.
    Gonna work on finding a good diet and keeping the lifting routine going about 4 - 5X a week at least.
    Test e
    and then the PCT should do it for us

    I was reading about all the orals but they just seem bad enough on side effects that going inject test e along with taking dbol should be enough to get a nice head start on getting my body bigger.

    Question...expectations from this...what do you guys anticipate?

  11. #11
    Maurice is offline New Member
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    also, would you guys be able to point me in the direction of what type of side effects can be expected or possible from this?

    I did some searching and can't seem to find them.


  12. #12
    SdiZZle's Avatar
    SdiZZle is offline Associate Member
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    Here I go - First Cycle, test only

    There is a link to my test only cycle log, last shot was this saturday the 15th. So far a great experience, slight increase in BACne but no big deal, take 2 showers a day and scrub with a loofa. I gained 30 lbs- we will see what I keep and how much was water weight. I didn't need my nolva at all for gyno or anything else. You need to eat like a beast to make gains, so be sure your ready and can afford that. 4000 kcals is more then you think when you really start to do the math on what you eat. 40 cans of pepsi is 4000 kcal (garbage) 25 yougurts is 4000 kcals, 20 chicken breasts, 23 cans of tuna. IE- a lot of food. EVERYDAY. that is the hard part, seriously. eating the same boring stuff and tons of it 8 times a day. AND you guys are both taller/bigger then I am so your going to have to shoot even higher. Good luck, hope you find my thread helpful.

  13. #13
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by SdiZZle View Post
    Here I go - First Cycle, test only

    There is a link to my test only cycle log, last shot was this saturday the 15th. So far a great experience, slight increase in BACne but no big deal, take 2 showers a day and scrub with a loofa. I gained 30 lbs- we will see what I keep and how much was water weight. I didn't need my nolva at all for gyno or anything else. You need to eat like a beast to make gains, so be sure your ready and can afford that. 4000 kcals is more then you think when you really start to do the math on what you eat. 40 cans of pepsi is 4000 kcal (garbage) 25 yougurts is 4000 kcals, 20 chicken breasts, 23 cans of tuna. IE- a lot of food. EVERYDAY. that is the hard part, seriously. eating the same boring stuff and tons of it 8 times a day. AND you guys are both taller/bigger then I am so your going to have to shoot even higher. Good luck, hope you find my thread helpful.
    good link sdizzle! good read.

    when working out ya diet set a amount of calories. (say 4000 as an example)

    1lb of weight you need 1.5g of protein
    1g of protein = 4cal
    1g of carbs = 4cal
    1g of fat = 9cal
    Set % of fat in your diet (many diets say max 30%, but aim for lower (do some research to set your amount) so lets say 20% as an example)

    if you weigh 205lbs you want 1.5g of protein per lb = 307g of protein.
    307g x 4cal = 1228cal

    20% of 4000cal is 800cal - 800cal/9 = 88g of fat (as much healthy fat as possible obviously)

    4000cal - 1228cal - 800cal = 1972 left
    so 1972cal of clean carbs needed.

    This is a basic method to help work out what ya need.

    hope it helps!

  14. #14
    Maurice is offline New Member
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    yes that is very helpful, both links. thanks much guys

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