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  1. #1
    Bark's is offline New Member
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    Aug 2002
    Johannesburg S.A.

    protection better than cure!

    hi all, I have spent sometime gonig through the searches and old threads etc. and have noticed that theres a lot of people here that REALLY know wat there talking about (thanks Big Al), but on the other hand i can see that you also get alot of people ask more or less the same things day in and out, well now it's my turn, i hope i don't piss any one of by asking this cause i'm new to this msg. thing and i might of over looked something, well here goes....

    i started my first thread with "anapolin and d-bol" well, i dont blame you guys getting pissed seeing another one of "those" msg. but you all quickly guided me in the right direction, i can't beleive that over the years, i'd just started a course (cycle! see i'm learning) not worrying about a thing, no before cycle prep. during or after, then 4 - 6 months again, more roid's... i gained, but not taking into thought what the fuck i was doing to my body. I must at least be on my 10th cycle now, and for once i'm feeling that i'm doing it right, even from just spiking incorrectly(trust me i found out the hard way) small things that i just didn't take for granted, i just want to say thank's.
    now here's my question, now it's my turn
    i did not end up taking abomb's a d-bol together (thanks Big Al again) i've just started of with abomb's 1 a day, week 1 - 2, deca . and test week 3 - 8 and then i was going to get advice for weeks 8 up, (I PROMISE!!! HEHE! J/K)
    i need a list of vit's and protection for liver etc. during and after, how much, when etc. pls.
    basicly in simple english, what must i take, and when.
    just remember aswell, i'm here in deep dark africa, so some of your names are not available, so alternative stuff might help aswell (the juice is easier to get than other stuff ?!? )

  2. #2
    Jarod's Avatar
    Jarod is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    for the liver use liv52 or milk thistle

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