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Thread: Stacking Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question Stacking Question

    Hello All,

    I have just aquired a nice supply of sustanon 250, D-bol, and Deca.

    I want to do a logical stack. I was thinking about this 8 week cycle, please let me know what you think about this.

    sus250@ 500mg/week
    Deca @ 200mg/week
    D-bol @10mg/ day

    I haven't seen a stack quite like this and I am new to this message board. Thus far I am on my second week with just the sustanon and deca. Am I waisting my time mixing the D-bol with all that I'm doing now???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bro that is a really good begginner stack, the most common. Try this

    Sust-500 mg's
    Deca-400 mg's
    D-bol- 30-40 mg's week 1-5

    The d-bol is good to jump start your cycle the first few weeks. At 10mg's it will probably do very little.


  3. #3
    The original jason Guest
    jump up the deca to 400mg per week and the dbol to 30-40mg per day run the dbol for 4 weeks u have a great cycle make sure u have clomid for post cycle and nolvadex on hand


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    Okay Cool, I will increase the deca to 400 throughout and the dbol to 30 wk 1-4.
    I also just got tamoxifeno for possible gyno. Should I start taking this now, if so how much per day.
    Can I take a nice over-the-counter cutting formula named hydroxycut along with the rest of the stuff or should I wait, it has a ephedra/caffine mix.

    Thanks again

  5. #5
    The original jason Guest
    i would hold on the cutting for now u r trying to bulk with this cycle keep the nolva just in case and take it 20mg ed if u get gyno signs then continue at 10mg when the signs drop


  6. #6
    Mike Guest
    yup I would say the same - dont try to cut right now - just let yourself blow up and cut post cycle - there are better OTCs for cutting than building so i take my off cycle time to cut

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