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  1. #1
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Test/Tren/Deca - Who has run it?

    Test/Tren /Deca Cycle

    Who has run it?

    At what dosages?

    Gains? (Both fat loss and mass)

    Is it worth running together?

  2. #2
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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  3. #3
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    First off I have not ran this cycle but I will jump in and say you are about to get a lot of guys telling you not to run two 19nor compounds together, this is non sense there is nothing wrong with have tren and deca in the same cycle.

    However the question would be why? I’d pick one or the other an increase the dose. For example if you were thinking 500mg of test, deca and tren I’d go for 500mg of test and 750mg of tren.

    Also gains on tren are dry where as deca is going to make you hold water so it seems a bit contradictory. Unless you were going to run only a small dose of deca for your joints or cruise on it after the cycle has finished I don’t see much point to it.

  4. #4
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    I am getting ready to start test, tren , deca , dbol In four days, I will keep you updated on my progress and dosages.

  5. #5
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    sorry to hijack but if you did run both then would you stay dry due to the tren or get bloated because your doing deca ?

  6. #6
    senseicarr is offline Junior Member
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    I did too. was to much tired as hell all the time. I would go with test tren eq, that what i am doing next
    i ran
    suston 700mg wk
    tren a 300 wk
    deca 300mg wk
    all in 3 shots a wk
    i hated 3 shots a week sucked bad
    i went from `170 @14% bf
    to 183 @ 10% bf not bad and didnt eat enough..

  7. #7
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    tren ace should be shot ed or at the least eod. deca twice a wk. sus eod. If your sides were high im sure the lack of injections causing constant instable levels had alot to do with it.

  8. #8
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by senseicarr View Post
    I did too. was to much tired as hell all the time. I would go with test tren eq, that what i am doing next
    i ran
    suston 700mg wk
    tren a 300 wk
    deca 300mg wk
    all in 3 shots a wk
    i hated 3 shots a week sucked bad
    i went from `170 @14% bf
    to 183 @ 10% bf not bad and didnt eat enough..
    Wow what a statement bro when I do prop/trenA its 2 shots a day...

  9. #9
    dank1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Wow what a statement bro when I do prop/trenA its 2 shots a day...
    why would you do two shots per day? the half life of both of those compounds wouldnt require you to. 75mgs to 150mgs of prop 1 shot ed should be plenty and not let blood level fluctuate. With your tren ace 50mgs to 100mgs 1 shot ed would be just fine as well. I am not saying there isnt a benefit from 2 shots ed, but if there is I would sure like to know what it is. unless you mean that you are not shooting the compounds together and not using the same syringe to load both doses. and if you are using two syringes to shoot what you can load into 1 then you are just wasteing your syringes and needles for no reason.

  10. #10
    fdrx7man's Avatar
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    im doing sust 500mg/tren A 300mg week, right now and so far ive gotten leaner, or its cause im getting bigger?? lol ive only went up about 4-5 pounds in total weight, and i feel more cut! i love tren A i dont think ill do a cycle without it again!! maybe next time ill add winy or something to get more cut!! im about a 1/4 done with my cycle so im still somewhat new with it!

  11. #11
    one8nine's Avatar
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    bad idea
    side effects sucked
    but maybe with he help of caber or letro it wouldn't be so bad , but the deca and tren magnified each other for sure
    test e 500mg wk
    tren e 400mg wk
    deca 400mg wk
    i think those were the doses

  12. #12
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by web_uk_builder View Post
    sorry to hijack but if you did run both then would you stay dry due to the tren or get bloated because your doing deca?
    It all depends on how the person reacts to the compounds and how each compound is dosed.

  13. #13
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dank1970 View Post
    why would you do two shots per day? the half life of both of those compounds wouldnt require you to. 75mgs to 150mgs of prop 1 shot ed should be plenty and not let blood level fluctuate. With your tren ace 50mgs to 100mgs 1 shot ed would be just fine as well. I am not saying there isnt a benefit from 2 shots ed, but if there is I would sure like to know what it is. unless you mean that you are not shooting the compounds together and not using the same syringe to load both doses. and if you are using two syringes to shoot what you can load into 1 then you are just wasteing your syringes and needles for no reason.
    I was shooting each independently because of the volume my shots were 3.2 CC's mixed I would never do 3.2 CC's in one shot anywhere so to rotate since the prop was still leaving me sore after diluting... I shot prop and tren seprately

  14. #14
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    i didnt read all the post before mine but i ran test e, tren e, and deca last cycle. test was about 500mg ew maybe a little less tren at about 200mg ew and deca at 300mg ew. my cycle was awsome burn shit load of fat and got big and strong as hell. pct on the other hand sucked i had no sex drive and couldnt even get get it up if my old lady was on it like a loin that missed dinner. i would never recommend this cycle and will never do to 19 nors at once again. to each there own but for my no more. good luck

  15. #15
    SkinnY&HungrY150 is offline Junior Member
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    Know some folk who love tren /deca ....I've never tried it.

    I consider that stack for the more experienced type.

  16. #16
    Machin3 is offline Associate Member
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    My buddy ran it last year and it was the following

    wk 1- 14 test e 500mg/wk 1000mg front load
    1-12 400mg/wk 800mg front load 1st week
    1-10 tren e 600mgs wk with no front load due to his 1st time

    needles to say he put on about 21 lbs and kept 14
    strength went through the roof and kept about 75% of it
    lost 1.5 inches off of waist

    Down side took a long and nasty PCT to get back into line consisting of letro, clomid, and hcg

    hope this helps


  17. #17
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    i have ran tren and deca together more times than i can count.
    great combo by far one of my favs though deca is more effective for increasing synovial fluid and aiding ur joints due to the tightness and dryness tren puts on them.
    thus i usually run deca at a low dose and tren at a working dose

  18. #18
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    i have ran tren and deca together more times than i can count.
    great combo by far one of my favs though deca is more effective for increasing synovial fluid and aiding ur joints due to the tightness and dryness tren puts on them.
    thus i usually run deca at a low dose and tren at a working dose
    Tai, good to see you back.

    So if i were to incorporate Deca into a cycle, how long would you recommend and at what dosage?

    Also, will incorporating the Deca add more muscle mass or will it just aid in the dryness in my joints.

  19. #19
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    well i cruise on deca /test 100/200mg/wk respectively pretty much year round.
    so when i run a real cycle and incorp tren i run tren anywhere from 500mg-2g/wk and keep deca 200-300mg/wk
    of course ADDING Deca will increase gains but they will be very minimal in comparison to that of which tren gives. personally i never noticed INCREASE gains but the joint lube and cushioning effects deca gives is a must for me when i run tren.

  20. #20
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    well i cruise on deca /test 100/200mg/wk respectively pretty much year round.
    so when i run a real cycle and incorp tren i run tren anywhere from 500mg-2g/wk and keep deca 200-300mg/wk
    of course ADDING Deca will increase gains but they will be very minimal in comparison to that of which tren gives. personally i never noticed INCREASE gains but the joint lube and cushioning effects deca gives is a must for me when i run tren.
    Looking at the figures you run i can see why you would add Deca, but do you think someone like me who will only be running 75-100mg ED of Tren Ace will experience joint problems?

    I also, will be running Winny at 50mgED for last 5 weeks.

  21. #21
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD View Post
    Looking at the figures you run i can see why you would add Deca , but do you think someone like me who will only be running 75-100mg ED of Tren Ace will experience joint problems?

    I also, will be running Winny at 50mgED for last 5 weeks.
    see thats just it.. its individual based.. i knwo people who dry out on 25mg Win ED and others who have no joint pain on 100mg ED...
    its just too hard to say unless u TRY IT. i dont bloat on drol or dbol but others turn in to StayPuff Marshmellowman.

    if u have ever had any previous joint issues
    noticably hips, knees, shoulders, elbows.. i make deca mandatory in all cycles involving tren/mast/win or other drying agents

  22. #22
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    So how much Deca should i run if i need it?
    I think i will get some and keep it on hand if any joint issues come up?
    Is it fast acting or will it take a while to build up in my system?

  23. #23
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    100-200 should suffice.. 200 is bout right but some can get away w/ 100mg-wk
    no need to frontload

  24. #24
    fdrx7man's Avatar
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    great info!!

  25. #25
    IamtheChitt is offline Associate Member
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    I love tren !

  26. #26
    senseicarr is offline Junior Member
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    hows the PCT on this?

  27. #27
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    i ran it for my last cycle, and had great results. Didnt even crash when I came off, my PCT was very mild, just HCG and tribulus. The only side I noticed was a small bit of gyno under one nipple, has faded now, and will be running the same cycle, only higher tren , starting in a weeks time, along with armidex, which i didnt use last time round.

    Tren@ 400mg EW
    Test Enanthate @ 1000mg EW
    Deca @200mg EW

    cycle lasted 10 weeks

  28. #28
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Because Tren shuts you down completely, what can i take besides cialis and viagra to ensure that i get wood when i need to?

    I dont think that the prop will do much as i am running it at a very low dose.


  29. #29
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  30. #30
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD View Post
    Because Tren shuts you down completely, what can i take besides cialis and viagra to ensure that i get wood when i need to?

    I dont think that the prop will do much as i am running it at a very low dose.


  31. #31
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD View Post
    umm.. you are aware that TEST SHUTS YOU DOWN too? right?
    and you are aware that tren suppresses ENDOGENOUS test not EXOGENOUS k?
    so why would a lower test dosage (in conjunction with tren) cause issues when its far greater than your normal production?
    if u have ED or sex drive issues (which i have never really had when running TRT dosing scheme) its definetly estrogen/progest/prolact issues not test.

    you got some reading up to do.

  32. #32
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    umm.. you are aware that TEST SHUTS YOU DOWN too? right?
    and you are aware that tren suppresses ENDOGENOUS test not EXOGENOUS k?
    so why would a lower test dosage (in conjunction with tren) cause issues when its far greater than your normal production?
    if u have ED or sex drive issues (which i have never really had when running TRT dosing scheme) its definetly estrogen/progest/prolact issues not test.

    you got some reading up to do.
    So how do you explain most of the Tren users on this board experiencing sex drive issues/getting it up, etc??

  33. #33
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD View Post
    So how do you explain most of the Tren users on this board experiencing sex drive issues/getting it up, etc??

  34. #34
    ZaneFan's Avatar
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    I have run Tren in different cycles. Never experienced any problems with sex drive or getting it up. I have however had problems with sleeping and night sweats and generally being on edge. I cant stay on it for more than 4 or 5 weeks because of this.

    If anyone has any problems getting it up on or off cycle just break a piece of a cialis off and you should be fine.

  35. #35
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD View Post
    So how do you explain most of the Tren users on this board experiencing sex drive issues/getting it up, etc??
    bump for an answer to this

  36. #36
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD View Post
    bump for an answer to this
    not trying to be rude, but your question is answered in the last sentence of my POST.

    "if u have ED or sex drive issues (which i have never really had when running TRT dosing scheme) its definetly estrogen/progest/prolact issues not test."
    please dont ever become a detective, thanks.

  37. #37
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  38. #38
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    as tai said, you just need to run enough as a replacement dose....

    200mg or so of test is still much more than a replacement dose...and should be plenty

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