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  1. #1
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Texas/Mexico Border re: Sust/Deca stack

    I have a trip planned for this weekend to goto mexico and visit some shops down there. We're planning to leave our car at the border and cross over and use taxi's to do our shopping. Does anyone live in or near Houston that has done this before? This will be the first time going and I want to make sure we are being cautious, so as not to get caught and fined.

    Please PM me if you have ever visited that border station, because we are not sure of which spot to goto exactly yet.

    Also, if your looking for deca in mexico pharmacies, what exactly should I ask for? I know that we want to go with Brovel, but do they have 200mg/cc of deca ready to go?

    Here's the target cycle (first cycle)

    Week 1-9: 400 mg/deca
    Week 1-10: 500 mg/test
    Week 12-15 clomid

    I'm planning to use the Sustanon because we are aiming for a priority cutting cycle and second priority bulking with a test/deca stack.

    Thanks, please give your opinion on the target cycle, or some help on the mexico situation.

    Also if you have any experience on whether they search you at the border when I am coming back please let me know!

    Last edited by rampage76; 09-09-2002 at 08:15 PM.

  2. #2
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    We will also be picking up some nolva while we are in mexico as well, just for standby in case any gyno starts.

  3. #3
    muffdaddy is offline New Member
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    what part are you going to ??

  4. #4
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    I havn't decided yet, what's a good spot to goto from Houston?

    Please PM me if the info is specific


  5. #5
    Big Rush's Avatar
    Big Rush is offline The Juice Man
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    ok, weel, as far as i know sust isn't good for cutting??? and why run the deca at only 9 weks??? also, TT does not make Deca 200, they make Deca 300...i would go with TT or QV over Brovel any day! i hear the sust red-jects are the shit and they are not counterfeited either.

  6. #6
    desert rat is offline Junior Member
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    Be careful whatever you do. As far as deca goes my experience in border towns was that your cheapest is the 50 ml laurabolin . It is found at vet stores and isn't actually nandrolone decanoate but a close chemical compound that i'm sure is listed somewhere if you search it. The real deca I usually saw was pre-load Organons at 50mg/cc and WAY overpriced ($12-$24 for two!). If you got money to burn and are willing to bring bulky pre-loads --- go for it. I would try the Laura at under $100 for 50 ml at I believe 50mg/cc. Shop around maybe there's better deals in your area.

  7. #7
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Well, I was talking about the TT Deca 300 which is reported to just be 200 mg/ml, that's what I had meant. I'm running the deca 1 week shorter than the test because it takes a week longer to catabolize than test does. I thought its recommended to take test one week longer when stacking the two? The deal with the sust red-jects is ummmm... well, the packaging/delivery? PM me if you didn't get that.

  8. #8
    Houston Muscle is offline New Member
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    I live in Houston and I don't think you realize the fuckin distance from here to the border!

    You can go out U.S. Highway 59 S to Laredo from here: it's a 6-hour drive at 70.

    You can go also go down 59, in Goliad turn to Highway 77 and go to Brownsville, Harlingen area.

    When you return on both highways headed north to Houston, you will run into an inspection station about 60 miles from the border. They can look in your vehicle, ask questions, etc.

    We aware of pharmacias charging varying prices. Also, some want prescriptions from their fellow mexican docs which really are just a papermill where you pay $20 to get all the scripts you want.

  9. #9
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Well, I do realize the distance, but the sacrifices we make... Whats the deal with the inspection station 60 miles from the border? That is news to me!

  10. #10
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by enrage

    Hence, get a good buzz going before crossing
    Now that's what I like to hear!

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