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  1. #1
    xxterxx is offline Associate Member
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    anabolic steroids + acne

    i have tried bulking cycle of test enanthate (12 weeks) + deca (12 weeks) + dbol (4 weeks) with proper PCT 3 years ago...

    decided to stop because i am looking like crap... gained alot of muscle but acne outbreak was crazy..... on my back neck and face.... cured with accutane for 1 year..

    been training naturally ever since because of fear of acne..

    i really want to juice again... but my main worries will be acne...

    is there any acne free AAS with decent gains?

    thanks for the help...

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    How often were you injecting the test and deca ?

  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Some people are just prone to acne more than others bro...plenty of water and some tanning will help.

  4. #4
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    accutane could help,but i've read it is hard on your lier thats why i've never ran it i just deal with being prone,like bigmax said tanning will really help i did it but just don't have the time with gym work etc.....repped

  5. #5
    solidA is offline Associate Member
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    anavar , tbol , primo

    can give em all a try

  6. #6
    xxterxx is offline Associate Member
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    i was doing

    500mg of test E.... injected twice a week... sunday and wednesday
    400mg of deca .... twice a weeks... sunday and wednesday..

    as for dbol is 40mg everyday for 4 weeks...

    acne was very very bad especially when cycle going to end...

    gains was pretty good but everyone knows i juiced because of god damn acne... even my triceps has acne.. i was very prone to acne when i was teens...

    have been following this forum for quite some time.. havent found a single AAS that is acne free...or at least... less chance of getting acne...

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    From the sound of it you were doing everything right, but are just prone to acne. That's a tough situation. I've heard good things about showering a couple times a day with Dawn dishwashing liquid to keep oil down, but I'm not particularly prone to acne so can't really offer much first hand advice.

  8. #8
    passthetest's Avatar
    passthetest is offline Member
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    you could run a low dose of accutane throughout the cycle as long as your getting your liver values tested.. the prescribed doses docs give is usually extremely high

  9. #9
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    how would you describe the acne ? are the pimples big and hurt, or are they just small dots all over ?

    I get acne also, though I never really had much acne before I started.
    But mine are just small dots on shoulders, lower back, and upper arms a little...its not much but I always get it in pct...

    you can run letro during cycle, and for pct.
    my bro did a letro cycle to reverse gyno and he has got alot of acne. but when he ran letro his skin got reallt clean and nice, and he had a really dry look all over... so the shit does work...


  10. #10
    facile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markosterone View Post
    how would you describe the acne ? are the pimples big and hurt, or are they just small dots all over ?

    I get acne also, though I never really had much acne before I started.
    But mine are just small dots on shoulders, lower back, and upper arms a little...its not much but I always get it in pct...

    you can run letro during cycle, and for pct.
    my bro did a letro cycle to reverse gyno and he has got alot of acne. but when he ran letro his skin got reallt clean and nice, and he had a really dry look all over... so the shit does work...

    I am prone as well. I found some relief from using letro or arimidex on cycle. I also shower frequently using a back brush and over the counter acne soaps and cleansers. Pct is tough as your hormones try to reestablish themselves. Tanning does help, so does the pool, the objective is to dry out your pores.

    If you find better alternatives let me know.

  11. #11
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    The DHTs are good, try winny, masteron , anavar but not anadrol They will not give you acne and likely will help clear it up. Estrogen is usually the cause and DHTs do not aromatize and they will even inhibit aromatization which will prevent acne. GL

  12. #12
    sundancekid is offline Junior Member
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    My first cycle was a Test Deca cycle and I broke out badly. My last cycle was Test E, Primo, Deca and I took Adex every other day. I don't know if it was the Primo or the Adex or maybe the synergy between the two but I have had very little acne. I also showered 3 times a day with panoxl soap.

  13. #13
    wingding's Avatar
    wingding is offline New Member
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    Accutane was the only thing that worked for me. I wish I had not waited so long because my back is really scarred up. I run the exact same cycles now days as before and I don't need to use accutane anymore. I did a lot of research and had my blood work done. I think the important thing is to stay on top of the acne before it gets out of control.

  14. #14
    dogman69 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    Some people are just prone to acne more than others bro...plenty of water and some tanning will help.
    i agree everyone is diff try tanning helped me out

  15. #15
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
    Chitown Raider is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    Some people are just prone to acne more than others bro...plenty of water and some tanning will help.
    That's what I've been doing. I have been off my cycle for about 2 1/2 months and it seems when I'm not on cycle is when the breakouts all come out.

  16. #16
    bigpianoman is offline New Member
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    I ran accutane for 8 months straight at 100mg ED.

    It took care of my acne. However it gave me horrible red skin and severly chapped lips.

    I stopped accutane 2 months ago. My face is breaking out like crazy. i would guess 30 pimples on my face currently.

    we are ****ed bro. We produce 10 times the amount of sebum then regular people.

    Accutane shrinks are sebaucus glands. once we stop, the test,tren a , deca ,etc brings then back up to size and stimulates the sebacues glands and the sebum river flows mighty.

    im currently on

    1000mg test e EW
    100mg npp EOD
    100mg tren a ED.

    im going to start tane again tonight. i cant take this ****ing shit.

  17. #17
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    nothins seems to work huh? my topical anttibiotics have even stopped working and they were my only hope. and fvck accutane ive seen it do some nasty shit to people.

  18. #18
    xxterxx is offline Associate Member
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    yeah..i hate it... i know of friends who took more gears than me without a single acne... while i took half the amount and producing acne like mad... goddamit..

  19. #19
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    the dosing and duration of accutane treatment is based on body weight... once you have reached the mark, by weight/dosage ratio, your sub glands should be closed permenantly... it has worked wonders for me... no more acne to speak of on or off cycle... good luck

  20. #20
    xxterxx is offline Associate Member
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    how long should accutane be used.... my doc prescribed me according to my bodyweight for 11 months... i was 190pounds he prescribed me 80mg per day...

    sides were bad but they work wonders....

    i stopped them close to 1.5 years now... do have zits once in a while.. one or two at most.... i dont want to take the risk of breakout when juicing again.. i am so tempted to juice.. ahh!!

  21. #21
    JuicedUpCanuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J*U*icEd View Post
    the dosing and duration of accutane treatment is based on body weight... once you have reached the mark, by weight/dosage ratio, your sub glands should be closed permenantly... it has worked wonders for me... no more acne to speak of on or off cycle... good luck
    Same for me 1 cycle of accutane and it should be all over, none for me on or off cycle .

  22. #22
    xxterxx is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by J*U*icEd View Post
    the dosing and duration of accutane treatment is based on body weight... once you have reached the mark, by weight/dosage ratio, your sub glands should be closed permenantly... it has worked wonders for me... no more acne to speak of on or off cycle... good luck
    how does our sub glands closed permanently?

    if its true..this might be the best thing i have ever heard in my life... because the only side effects i got from juicing is acne...

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