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Thread: What is the deal with the Winstrol profile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Halifax, NS

    What is the deal with the Winstrol profile

    Just wondering what is up with the profile with regards to Winstrol and stacking with Dianabol... is this possible or even advisable? If it is possible what would the dosages be week by week and how exactly would they be stacked?
    I am just wondering because I am getting ready to order and need some solid information from reliable and knowlegeable people!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Stacking two orals that are very toxic isnt a good idea especally if you are relativity new to AS. You have a cutting steriod(winny) and a mass producing steriod(Dbals). Find out what u want cutting or mass and add an injectable with the oral and you should be good to go.

  3. #3
    Mike Guest
    I agree with pure here - i just ran a cycle that included both but not dbol and winny alone - i think its a bad idea (my cycle had sus/deca/EQ/Anadrol/Fina as well)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Halifax, NS

    My apologizes to you both!

    I didn't mean you to think that I was thinking of doing this cycle, I was just pointing out that "Anabolic Review" that when I went into the drug profiles and looked up Winstrol it mentions therein that you can stack the two together... I was curious why this would be in that profile. I wonder if one took D-bol (oral) with Winstrol (inject) if they could do it without killing themselves. However, having said that, what if one took the Winstrol orally along with the D-bol, or is that what you where referring to?

    Thanks Maxmuscle66

    PS: I am not sure where I had heard this but I recall that someone advised me to do them together using D-bol for the first two or three weeks then to finish up with four to six weeks of Winstrol.... I know it is werid stuff... please bear with me.
    Last edited by maxmuscle66; 08-25-2001 at 09:27 AM.

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    it wont kill you necessarily but dbol/winny alone is just a silly cycle - I answered the rest of this in a reply to your PM bro

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