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Thread: Hgh

  1. #1
    rodgerj's Avatar
    rodgerj is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Question Hgh

    K I got a few questions here I hope some experienced members can give their input on. I have thought back and forth about doing 6 months of Jino or Somatropin before thinking about doing a cycle of Test E but that shit (HGH) is expensive. I have never cycled b4 BTW. My goals of course are to get bigger but I am thinking HGH to help put on solid mass and reduce BF (am at 14-15%) essentially priming me for a first cycle. I am 5'11 208 pounds and 30 years old. So here are my questions..

    1) What is the mass/strength building potential of HGH vs say Test E?

    I know everyone is going to say depends on diet genes etc but give me a break and at least do a vague comparison

    2) Are all the natural HGH releasers like GABA shit?

    3) Is six months a minimum cycle of HGH

    I'll leave it at that for now and continue reading up. Hope this is in the right section....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Under your bed.....
    1.hgh will help you lean out but wont really get you bigger atleast not bigger than test e
    2. not sure on that
    3. 6months is a good cycle for hgh ( your age has alot to do with it )
    you should put it in the hgh section

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Under your bed.....
    and personally i dont like somatropin if you can get your hands on the jino id go with that

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