Does this cycle sound good?
wk 1-4 anadrol 50mg a day
5,6 anadrol 50mg a day with nolvadex 10mg a day
7-9 winstrol 15mg a day
Does this cycle sound good?
wk 1-4 anadrol 50mg a day
5,6 anadrol 50mg a day with nolvadex 10mg a day
7-9 winstrol 15mg a day
No... do some more research bro. What is with everyone wanting to do Oral only cycles?? Seriously if you are scared of injecting don't even bother with AAS.
What's your stats, diet, and training like??
Anadrol has a PgR stimulationg effect, nolva wouldn't help
i wouldnt call that a cycle lol thats more like a tease or a snack or ya just not a cycle lol sorry bro
No way bro do more reseach you need to go with a simple test cycle either Test E or Cyp you can throw in the d-bols for the first 4 weeks until the test kicks in but what are your stats and goals we need to know this so we can give you the right advice.
codeman hold on to your money till you have enough for a decent cycle thats IMO!!!
ight whats a good 1st cycle for bulking up orals or injections. Im 22 and on a wrestling team with a major competition in bout 14 weeks so I need to be on my cutting cycle by then.
Last edited by codeman; 01-07-2008 at 08:08 PM.
no prices edit it out and a cycle like this
test e or c 500 mgs 12 wks
winny 50 mgs ed 7-12 wk
but you are not ready for steroids so dont bother
Cant discuss Prices Bud..
Obviously we promote education before you medicate...
To answer your question.. We like new guys to run just a simple 500mg long ester test cycle for 10-12 weeks..
Cutting= Diet and Cardio
(for a first timer)
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