My stats 5'8 146 lbs. 28 yrs. old
My cycle:
Sustanon 500mg ----- 10 weeks
EQ 400mg ---- 10 weeks
Dbol 30mg ed ----- 4 weeks
Dbol --- 2pills 3x a day
Mon/Thur shots-- 250 sus/ 200 eq in same syringe (ass shots)
Arimidex .25mg ED (day 1--- end of Clomid)
ALA 1200-1500mg ED (weeks 1-5)
Clomid (36 tabs) 3 Weeks after last shot
300mg ---- day 1
100mg----- days 2-11
50mg -----days 12-21
Just thought I'd give this diary thing a shot. Hope you can help me along.
Started 9/9/02
Didnt go so good the first day. I practically passed out after my shot. Scared the shit out of myself. But got over it with your help.
Not feeling to good when I wake up. As the day has gone by I have been getting worse. I feel like SHIT. My head is killing me, my nose is all stuffed up, my throat is sore, it irritates my throat when I swallow (not that kind of swallowing..hehe) and I feel all drowsy. WTF. I tried my best to keep on eating but its tough when you feel like this. I cant get any fucking sleep thats why I am typing this right now at 4:30 in the morning.(It's technically 9/11 right now)
Could this be the Sus flu already? Just after 1 day. Damn. What should I do.