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  1. #1
    go4gold's Avatar
    go4gold is offline Member
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    Nov 2001

    anavar questions

    I have a few questions about anavar , i know where i can get a lot, but i just want to know how legit this brand is, i can get Ttokkyo anavar like crazy, not the one for humans, but dogs i guess because it has the bulldog on front, they are 5 mg pills, just want to make sure this is real, just tell me if this sounds good to any of you, when i get it, it comes in a unopened container with all 100 pills packed in a tight little bag, the pills are a tannish orangish color in a pentagon shape, then covered with a white spong like thing to keep the bag of pills in the bottem of the bottle so it doesn't move around, it is from T.J., mexico, i just want to know if this sounds like the legit shit, got it from a vet store. and if so, i am curios to know what type of results will i get if i was to just take anavar alone with no stack, i have done my hard shit earlier and just want to gain strength and very mild weight, should i get good results from ox alone, i hope so because i am over doing shots anymore and just want something that will really work and not any side effects, any responses will help, thanks

  2. #2
    Ranger Guest
    What you have, by your description, sounds like the real deal...Anavar alone, and for what you are seeking sounds OK to me...

    Good strength, and with a proper diet, a reduction in adipoise fat tissue.....Don't expect a miracle off this cycle....But I love Anavar


  3. #3
    go4gold's Avatar
    go4gold is offline Member
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    Nov 2001
    should i see some real good strength gains, i am looking to up my strength 20% to 40% or higher in the next 6 months, i weigh about 160 and will probable do 2 to 3 cycles of anavar , each 10 weeks long at 35mg a day, how does that sound.

  4. #4
    Ranger Guest
    That's kin of a " Crystal Ball " question....For me to say a 20 to 30% strength gain off this is speculation...BUT, with proper training and IS possible....


  5. #5
    Unity66 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2001
    have you tried the geneircs from some BodyBuilder in the UK Ranger...........i lke em!!!

    10mg tabs......50mg/day only AAS used along with creatine, food, training, a bit more food and creatine--------resuults........lost adipose tissue, gained weight and lbm. decent gains in strength.......slow and steady.

    damn......eq/anavar as anabolic of choice---heh


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