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Thread: just a quick question on muscle regeneration

  1. #1

    just a quick question on muscle regeneration

    I have been training for two weeks on sus and deca, after the first week I have been noticing that my muscles do not hurt or are even sore the day after my workout, I work each group for 1 hour each. Is this normal while training?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Anabolics help you recover much faster and leaves you with much less soreness than normal. But I would think that after a really intense workout, you would have a slight soreness.

  3. #3
    i feel a little tight but not sore like I normally would. I just want good results for such hard efforts

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    From my experience I am just a tad sore SOMETIMES after my workout (next morning) But Seriously nothing bad at all. And to be honest with you I hit the weights twice as hard on cycle and still feel like im barely breaking the ice. Anabolics do increase recovery time but they are not miracle drugs like some may think. You can still overtrain while using them. Me personally tho, I do each body part twice a week and feel recovered every day im back in the gym. Listen to your body and see how its reacting. Personally I LOVE the feeling of recovering so fast.

  5. #5
    You are probably not training with enough intensity or volume, or maybe even both. To say that your on cycle and you only spend an hour in the gym for a whole muscle group. Doesn't sound like a very good idea while on AAS.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I avg 1-1.5 hours, and do roughly 16 sets each workout day. By the time I'm done i can barely move and I feel like vomiting, so i figure I'm training them hard enough

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    One of the Pluses Anabolics do to help you is speed up recovery time.You can actually start training harder because you can actually recover just as fast without the risk of overtaining. just make sure you are careful because a lot of people do not realize that your muscles get stronger quicker than your tendons and ligaments do which causes a problem if you try and push yourself too hard. Train smart. but train hard and the muscle will come! and come quicker!

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