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  1. #1
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    Going to be taking test enanthate 250 with d bol need help!

    I need Advice on how many CCs of Test 250 i should be taking a week i have a 50 ml bottle! also i have 500 tabs of 10mg d bol how many miligrams should i be taking a day? This is only my second cycle I'm 19 years old 205 pounds wanting to be anywhere from 215-225!! Two more things i need to know what vitamins and pro cycle should i take? And what is a good work out routine for bulking!!
    Last edited by ocjuicer; 01-09-2008 at 01:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Von Dutch's Avatar
    Von Dutch is offline New Member
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    I recommend first to find out about your work out routine and a good diet, than you can start thinking about juicing.

    Diet is the most important!

    I would take 500mg test e EW
    and 40mg dbol ED for 6 weeks.

    You have a lot of dbol dude...

  3. #3
    Calcium is offline Banned
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    Dont take any type of AAS at the age of 19yrs old, you have enough natural hormones floating around to make decent gains in muscle mass. You need to build a good solid base from yrs of training and eating before even considering taking any kind of AAS support.

    You run the risk of causing serious damage to your HPTA if you start AAS to young, dont do it instead use what you have naturally which is a high level of hormones what will and can build alot of muscle and get to your natural limit and build your solid base,

  4. #4
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    Von Dutch,

    thanks for the info! i do have a work out routine i got it from body building mags and books ect.. I'm just looking for the best workout routine possible! I know and i've been trying to find a good diet but having some troubles do you haave any suggestions?

  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Go to the diet forum here...there are sample far as the best workout need to see what works for you wont happen overnite my friend...this can take a bit...forget AAS right 19 your natural testosterone will put good size on you with good nutrition and proper training.

  6. #6
    JSola's Avatar
    JSola is offline Associate Member
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    First off you need to have a pct. do you? most important part of the cycle.

    19 is young but since you've already started i guess we can just advise you on the rest

    on this forum they have seperate sections for diet and workouts. you can find caloric calculators in the diet section to figure out a base of about how many calories you need as well as the proper amounts of nutrients(protein, fat, carbs) I always recommend 40%protein 30%fat 30%carbs my buddies who compete do the same

    the thing is you need an extra 500calories a day to gain weight reasonably and if you're bulking i recommend 1000. so if you normally have 2500 calories, go with 3500 for bulking. remember that if your diet isnt awesome your gains will suffer severely.

    rest is incredibly important as well. your young and your gonna feel invincible, but remember the 90 minutes max per workout and at least one or two rest days a week. some guys go only one or two days on and one or two days off because letting your body recover is soo crucial. good luck bud. be safe.

  7. #7
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ocjuicer View Post
    Von Dutch,

    thanks for the info! i do have a work out routine i got it from body building mags and books ect.. I'm just looking for the best workout routine possible! I know and i've been trying to find a good diet but having some troubles do you haave any suggestions?
    statements like this are why youre not ready for steroids need to learn what works best for your body..a workout that works great for one person, doesnt mean it will be all that great for you and if you dont how to eat properly, definitely stay away from steroids b/c you will gain nothing, get fat, or gain some muscle and then lose it 19 with a proper diet, you can easily get to 225 without steroids in no time

  8. #8
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    bigmax and jsola,

    thanks for the info!
    Jsola i havent got my pct yet i ordered it off it should be here any day
    im wating for the pct and intle i have an effective diet intle i start my cycle!
    Would you suggest taking any vitamins throughout the cycle?

  9. #9
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    LONGHORN 814,
    thanks for the info! i know that each workout routine is different for everyone and ive been working out now trying different routines for about 5 years im just getting info from other people because i m looking for a routine that will work better for me. But i will definatly do the diet thanks for the help!

  10. #10
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    how tall are you? and whats bf%?

  11. #11
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    I'm 6'1 and about 20%bf

  12. #12
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    i would deff get that body fat % down before i would cycle.... do some research in the diet forum.... and alot of cardio..... maybe even do some research on clenbuterol . then after you get down below 15 % or more then do your research on steroids , but hold off for a while, you still have alot of natural growth left in you at that age....

  13. #13
    KJSolid is offline Associate Member
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    They are going to tell you to get your body fat down through cardio and good dieting. I agree with all of them also. You need to get your diet in check before starting any kind of cycle.

  14. #14
    KJSolid is offline Associate Member
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    Rbizzy beat me.

  15. #15
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJSolid View Post
    Rbizzy beat me.
    lol... dont you hate when that happens...

  16. #16
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    rbizzy and kj solid,
    thanks for the info guys ill do that but i have a question once i get my bf% down and start my cycle is the vitmain i should be taking throught my cycle? and if so which ones?

  17. #17
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    just take a multi vitamin..but make sure you get your bodyfat down first..test and dbol can cause a lot of bloating, which in turn will cause your blood pressure to go really high and its even worse if youve got a lot of bodyfat

  18. #18
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    i use mega mens mulit-vitamin.... that and with d-bol take milk thistle, it will help your liver stay healthy... you already got some size to you, you might be more impressed with your self after you shed body fat and start to get cut.

  19. #19
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    alright what do you think about vitamin b 12 injection i was told that you should take the during cycles?

  20. #20
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    it couldnt hurt..... i havnt but have put some thought into it for the futer.

  21. #21
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    after my cycle with dbol and test the next cycle i wanted to take was test and winstrol would that be better to do before the bulking cycle since i have to cut down body fat?

  22. #22
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    you would still need to get the bf down to see good results... test and winny? that might be a bad cycle, im not sure exactly. maybe someone else will chime in.

  23. #23
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    i think that a test and EQ would better suit you then test and winny....

  24. #24
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    what would you recomnend to do first the the eq with test or the test with d bol?

  25. #25
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    well what are your exact goals?

  26. #26
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    sorry i forgot its your first cycle... test only.

  27. #27
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    No this is my second cycle i took deca and test for my first cycle
    my goas are to be built and increase my strength but also to still have stanima and as low bf% as possible

  28. #28
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    test and eq then when you are ready.... thats what i would do, imo. make sure and have ALL pct gear on hand before you start your cycle....

  29. #29
    ocjuicer is offline New Member
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    alright thanks for the help bro

  30. #30
    hobbs9963's Avatar
    hobbs9963 is offline Associate Member
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    That's a sh## load of dbol man! 5 years ago i took 25mgs of dbol a day w/600 mgs of test a week for 8 weeks. For my weeks 9-12 i went to 1000 mgs of test. Got pretty damn strong and the dbol was the ticket. My diet for weeks 1-8 was eat everything in sight, all the time. 9-12 though was simple. Carbs w/protien til lunch then just shakes, caffeine til workout, then a good dinner after. Mostly chicken and red meat. Shake before bed and when i got up to piss. Good luck and enjoy!! Wish i could it again!!

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