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  1. #1
    sleazy leaz's Avatar
    sleazy leaz is offline Junior Member
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    results from sust-250 cycle. what do you guys think?

    i weighed about 220ish at the beginning of december, right now i weighed myself at 237. so im thinking about 13-17 pounds if gained in a month and a lot of people have thought that i had lost weight when ive actually gained weight. i couldnt lift for over a year because i had destroyed my knee and had to have 3 knee surgeries. being weak maxing out on bench at 185 after taking a year off to repping 225 about 8 or 10 times...what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1 month sustanon cycle? thats a dumb cycle but none the less if you built muscles thats good for you. Do some research next time what are you doing for pct?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    are you done with your cycle cuz you didnt say if you were done or these are the results after one month

  4. #4
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    if you havnt lifted for over a year i could have put on 13 lbs easy with a good diet and gettin back in the gym.

    also where are u now in your cycle?
    what did you run and at how much?

  5. #5
    sleazy leaz's Avatar
    sleazy leaz is offline Junior Member
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    well my guy told me that since im getting back to lifting start with 250 mg and see how it works because this was my first cycle. and yeah you might put 13 pounds easy with a good diet, but how can you lift when you cant walk? how can you even do cardio or anything, i couldnt eat cuz i always felt like shit from being laid open lol. but anyways he said 250 mg each week because the sust that i bought was in sachets from ** i believe....its a short cycle because its different than the other sust that ive read about but he has taken it and it did good for him in that short pct is nolva but when i finish with my pct im gonna try and do a cutting or weight loss phase, going to be getting some clen =]
    Last edited by sleazy leaz; 01-11-2008 at 06:07 PM. Reason: my bad completely forgot

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    ahh edit lab names ASAP

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    and test is test i dont care where or what brand it is lol that cycle should have been ran atleast 8 wks

  8. #8
    sleazy leaz's Avatar
    sleazy leaz is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i understand my bad for the lab name i completely forgot...but yeah i know but the 2 sachets i had gotten were just 3.5 ml a piece which is 6 shots, if i ever decided to take anything else im not ever phucking with sachets cuz i dont know of many people who even know what they are, i was thinking about some test-250 or test-400 in the VIAL with the crimp top so i can get my shit through the top and it goes in my needle without any air contamination or the worry of it

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    ya i always stick with vials and test 400 sounds a lil painful lol what are your goals

  10. #10
    sleazy leaz's Avatar
    sleazy leaz is offline Junior Member
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    yeah test 400 IS painful haha my "guy" loves it but he said it hurts really bad but you dont have to inject near as many times as you do for test-250....ive achieved my goal already, i wanted to rep 225 again and i can do it now, i was like 25ish % bf before i started taking anything, im around 18% now because of the sust...and people had asked me if ive LOST weight when ive actually gained weight so that makes me feel good, after i do my pct and everything, im gonna start using some clen because ive read a lot about it and read a lot of what people thought about it and it seems to be pretty good so my goal for that is to get to around 210-220 around 13% bf DIET DIET DIET

  11. #11
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    i shattered my knee too.. 2 sergerys.

    thats not excuse tho ? :S

    i went to the gym in crutches and lifted lol coarse i couldnt do legs but i got er done

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    damn now thats what i call dedication ^^^ and yes clen is some good shit

  13. #13
    sleazy leaz's Avatar
    sleazy leaz is offline Junior Member
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    well i guess youre cooler than me=] i lost 35 pounds, had no appetite and wasnt about to go to the gym. what all did you tear? believe it or not i blew my shit out doing a SPLIT playing football cuz the ground was wet, i tore my ACL, MCL, PCL, damaged my meniscus, damaged my patella, fractured bones in my knee, and had effusion all up around my leg and kneecap...basically i had no kneecap for about 6 months lmao, and the reason why i waited so long to lift was because i couldnt get my leg to be straight to save my was always bent at like a 45 degree angle and would not budge cuz of scar tissue, so after total reconstructive and arthroscopic surgery for the first time, i had to get it scoped out again to remove the scar tissue

  14. #14
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    i shattered my knee in peices(not sure what the exact name is) from not wearin a seatbelt and going threw the windshield.

    lost 30lbs in the hospital.

    was in the gym in crutches within the month pushin plates.

  15. #15
    admirals56 is offline Banned
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    how old r you

  16. #16
    sleazy leaz's Avatar
    sleazy leaz is offline Junior Member
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    that sucks badly...i tell you what though physical therapy sucked for me idk about you

  17. #17
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    ya it did. i quit tho after a month of it tho.

    didnt feel the need to go and waste my time plus it cut into my gym time so i stoped goign.

    i regret it now tho

  18. #18
    sleazy leaz's Avatar
    sleazy leaz is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i know how you feel i went off and on after awhile because all they were doing was hurting my shit and i felt that it was making it worse at the time...i thought they were just trying to take my money but i wish i wouldve worked harder and continued going right after the reconstructive surgery but oh well, i did my own therapy and it worked fine....biggest problem was getting my hamstrings to loosen up because they were filled with knots and felt like concrete and i wasnt even straining it was normal like that...shit sucks

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