I have been training for a while and want to start a cycle. What is best to use, what is easiest to inject, what has the least risk, what has the best gains, what is most easily accessable, you get the idea. I was ok until i saw the post about the bloke getting an infection. I have a bag of dbol but i have been put off by the liver stories i have been reading aboutand havent taken it so what would you say was the best for me.Also, me and the missis are on about trying for a child in the next year so i am scared of infertility aswell. I dont want to become a massive great big body builder but i do want to put on some muscle mass while decreasing my fat. I dont have much fat on my body, just around the belly areadue to christmas but its hard to know how to cut fat but get bigger. Any info would be greatly accepted. Thanx all