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  1. #1
    fugazy's Avatar
    fugazy is offline Junior Member
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    ideas for next cycle

    im gona take

    tren ace 100-150 mgs ed
    masteron 100mgs eod
    deca 500mgs ew
    proviron 50mgs ed

    i was thinking about some dbols for a kick. i wont take drols cause i hate the sides.

    i wana take vars i love them but there so ****ing expensive inless you make your own caps but i dont have a powders source anymore and anything less than 40 mgs a day is a waste. i would love to take 60 to 80 mgs a day if i could aford it. i was taking a 100mgs ed last year ars are so good they make me insanly strong. has anyone taken turinabol does it compare to var? people say its like a cross between eq and dbol but i have also herd its simalar to var

    yeah i know dont mix deca and tren. ive done it many times and it works great for me. i just take bromocriptine 2.5mgs ed. the proviron keeps my dick working like a charm

    i cant take test. my body reacts very bad to it. i get crazy sides from it. ive tryed test prop, en and sust. im not planing on ever taking it again

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    can i ask how many cycle you have done before ?
    not taking a test with tren and or deca is a super surpressive combination what kind of pct are you taking

  3. #3
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Tren and Deca can synergistically cause PgR effects. Not recommended
    Last edited by Dizz28; 01-14-2008 at 11:53 PM.

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    how do you know the sides were from test? was that the only compound you were on?

  5. #5
    fugazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    how do you know the sides were from test? was that the only compound you were on?
    yeah. i get bad depression and rage. pimples

  6. #6
    fugazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicenchris2989 View Post
    can i ask how many cycle you have done before ?
    not taking a test with tren and or deca is a super surpressive combination what kind of pct are you taking
    prob 8 cycles. just clomid

  7. #7
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    Under your bed.....
    depression might be cuz your pct isnt all that rage is all in your head and pimples well a price we all gotta pay how bad were they i mean a few here and there can be taken care of anyway on another note i think your crazy for running that kind of cycle without atleast a minimum dose of test your levels can get really messed up maybe not notice it now but in the long run you might run into problems anyways those are just my thoughts

  8. #8
    fugazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicenchris2989 View Post
    depression might be cuz your pct isnt all that rage is all in your head and pimples well a price we all gotta pay how bad were they i mean a few here and there can be taken care of anyway on another note i think your crazy for running that kind of cycle without atleast a minimum dose of test your levels can get really messed up maybe not notice it now but in the long run you might run into problems anyways those are just my thoughts

    what if i took eq instead of deca . i think thats what im gona do.

  9. #9
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    Under your bed.....
    eq will shut you down just as hard if not worse than deca i kno for sure it has a longer easter but either way it will shut you down hard

  10. #10
    fugazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicenchris2989 View Post
    eq will shut you down just as hard if not worse than deca i kno for sure it has a longer easter but either way it will shut you down hard

    i always take proviron though. my dick works as good if not better when im on tren and deca . go figure

  11. #11
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fugazy View Post
    yeah. i get bad depression and rage. pimples
    depression could be b/c your PCT was too weak..pimples can be from any steroid or can be cause by natty test starting back up..rage is all in your a low dose of prop with the tren and masteron ..thats my favorite cycle..strength, hardness, crazy water retention ..youve got youre test, 19-nor, and DHT in one cycle..perfect synergy from my experience

  12. #12
    fugazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    depression could be b/c your PCT was too weak..pimples can be from any steroid or can be cause by natty test starting back up..rage is all in your a low dose of prop with the tren and masteron..thats my favorite cycle..strength, hardness, crazy water retention ..youve got youre test, 19-nor, and DHT in one cycle..perfect synergy from my experience
    im gona give that a shot. i love tren and mast. maybe ill try t suspention. at least if i get sides it will be out of my system in no time.

  13. #13
    fugazy's Avatar
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    i think im gona try test suspention
    Last edited by fugazy; 01-16-2008 at 12:38 AM.

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