im gona take
tren ace 100-150 mgs ed
masteron 100mgs eod
deca 500mgs ew
proviron 50mgs ed
i was thinking about some dbols for a kick. i wont take drols cause i hate the sides.
i wana take vars i love them but there so ****ing expensive inless you make your own caps but i dont have a powders source anymore and anything less than 40 mgs a day is a waste. i would love to take 60 to 80 mgs a day if i could aford it. i was taking a 100mgs ed last year ars are so good they make me insanly strong. has anyone taken turinabol does it compare to var? people say its like a cross between eq and dbol but i have also herd its simalar to var
yeah i know dont mix deca and tren. ive done it many times and it works great for me. i just take bromocriptine 2.5mgs ed. the proviron keeps my dick working like a charm
i cant take test. my body reacts very bad to it. i get crazy sides from it. ive tryed test prop, en and sust. im not planing on ever taking it again