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Thread: Doctor and test

  1. #1

    Doctor and test

    Lately I've been having problems with my energy level and sleep problems as well as a decreased sex drive. I eat a healthy diet and exercise 5 days a week so i do not know why I have this problem. A trainer at the gym I lift at said I could have low test levels so I was thinking about talking to my doctor about it but I dont want to sound like I'm trying to score steroids from him. I think the test would help with these problems but I'm not sure about how to bring this subject up to the my doctor. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Do you have any cycle experience and if so was your pct what it should have been. I would tell the doctor the truth. He cannot do his job correctly with out it.

  3. #3
    I've never taken any kind of steroid before so thats why i am confused why my levels would be low and I'm only 19 so it seems odd.

  4. #4
    You need to voice your concerns w/your Doc. I doubt that @ 19 you have low test. Your level should be between 300&1000. Low test usually occous after the age of 45.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Fatigue do to low test at 19? Unlikely. Fatigue could have many causes. You could have mono or depression (much more likely than low test) or a score of other potential problems that can only be ruled out by a doc.

    Quote Originally Posted by langs13 View Post
    Lately I've been having problems with my energy level and sleep problems as well as a decreased sex drive. I eat a healthy diet and exercise 5 days a week so i do not know why I have this problem. A trainer at the gym I lift at said I could have low test levels so I was thinking about talking to my doctor about it but I dont want to sound like I'm trying to score steroids from him. I think the test would help with these problems but I'm not sure about how to bring this subject up to the my doctor. Any suggestions?

  6. #6
    Have you taken any legal test boosters? I took some and when I came off of them I to lost sex drive. I went to the doctor and it was low, it took 3 months before drive come back. I was 28 though not 19
    Last edited by sirbuster; 01-14-2008 at 02:23 PM. Reason: added info

  7. #7
    I was 28 though not 19

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