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  1. #1
    tempbrit's Avatar
    tempbrit is offline Member
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    Wow - Prop and Tren - Strong Stuff

    Ok, so I am running a cycle now. First cycle in almost 18 months. Had some injuries and took a lot of time to battle back.

    So I am running Test Prop at about 120mgs ED and Tren A and 100mgs ED and also running some Clen and T3 as well with it.

    The Test Prop and Tren were both homebrews and done at 160mgs/ml for Prop and 150mgs/ml for the Tren. This is the first time with powders instead of conversions.

    All I can say is that I did not realize how underdosed conversions turn out. I would estimate that my previous conversions were at least 20% underdosed compared to my powder homebrews. Kind of dangerous with the dosings when you have that big of a difference.

    I am on day 4 and felt the aggression a bit at work and then felt it start to kick in a bit in the gym. Had the heartburn kick in as well and starting to sweat like a pig as well.

    I love Tren. If you are truly going to Transform your body, this is the substance. Then again, the sides don't bother me too much, other than the 3-4 showers a day.

  2. #2
    facile's Avatar
    facile is offline Member
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    100 mgs of tren a ED, seems like to much, but.... I have to agree great stuff!! The sweats are all I have to really deal with!

    The aggression edge is great for the gym!

  3. #3
    tempbrit's Avatar
    tempbrit is offline Member
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    This is about my 5th or 6th cycle with Tren . 100mgs is kind of the sweet spot for me.

  4. #4
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    sounds great i am hopeing to run a cycle like that in the near future ......

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    that will be my cycle in a couple months, cant wait

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit View Post
    If you are truly going to Transform your body, this is the substance.
    I ran ace/prop/winny for last cycle,around same dosages as your running
    And I swear the combo was just awsome.Im bulking now with Tren in a long ester and if you think sides are bad with short ester OMG I cant sleep at all and when I do I wake up In a pool of sweat,But my numbers are threw the roofEnjoy the cycle bro youll be more than happy with the end result.

  7. #7
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit View Post
    Ok, so I am running a cycle now. First cycle in almost 18 months. Had some injuries and took a lot of time to battle back.

    So I am running Test Prop at about 120mgs ED and Tren A and 100mgs ED and also running some Clen and T3 as well with it.

    The Test Prop and Tren were both homebrews and done at 160mgs/ml for Prop and 150mgs/ml for the Tren. This is the first time with powders instead of conversions.

    All I can say is that I did not realize how underdosed conversions turn out. I would estimate that my previous conversions were at least 20% underdosed compared to my powder homebrews. Kind of dangerous with the dosings when you have that big of a difference.

    I am on day 4 and felt the aggression a bit at work and then felt it start to kick in a bit in the gym. Had the heartburn kick in as well and starting to sweat like a pig as well.

    I love Tren. If you are truly going to Transform your body, this is the substance. Then again, the sides don't bother me too much, other than the 3-4 showers a day.
    keep us posted on your progress.

  8. #8
    fdrx7man's Avatar
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    prop and tren A thats what i wanna run next cycle! and finish off with winny!! then on to pct!! ohh baby!!

  9. #9
    hugovsilva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit View Post
    Ok, so I am running a cycle now. First cycle in almost 18 months. Had some injuries and took a lot of time to battle back.

    So I am running Test Prop at about 120mgs ED and Tren A and 100mgs ED and also running some Clen and T3 as well with it.

    The Test Prop and Tren were both homebrews and done at 160mgs/ml for Prop and 150mgs/ml for the Tren. This is the first time with powders instead of conversions.

    All I can say is that I did not realize how underdosed conversions turn out. I would estimate that my previous conversions were at least 20% underdosed compared to my powder homebrews. Kind of dangerous with the dosings when you have that big of a difference.

    I am on day 4 and felt the aggression a bit at work and then felt it start to kick in a bit in the gym. Had the heartburn kick in as well and starting to sweat like a pig as well.

    I love Tren. If you are truly going to Transform your body, this is the substance. Then again, the sides don't bother me too much, other than the 3-4 showers a day.
    Throw some dht in there for the last 6-8 weeks. You will thank me then. I like winny but next run I will try masteron since all I read is good things.

  10. #10
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Sorry, jacking the thread for a moment,

    since this is a hard cycle on the hairline (especially if dhts are used), what was your hairloss prevention protocol again hugo? I'll be making sure i dont lose any hair when i jump on my tren cycle.

  11. #11
    hugovsilva's Avatar
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    I am prone to mbp and am on finasteride since I was 22 (am 31 now).

    On cycle I usually run nizoral shampoo 2% ed.
    2.5mg of finasteride ed
    Spiro cream 5% at least once a day before bed and sometimes in the morning.
    I am going to try Minoxidil for the forst time this run.

    Has worked for me with prop/tren /winny.

  12. #12
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva View Post
    I am prone to mbp and am on finasteride since I was 22 (am 31 now).

    On cycle I usually run nizoral shampoo 2% ed.
    2.5mg of finasteride ed
    Spiro cream 5% at least once a day before bed and sometimes in the morning.
    I am going to try Minoxidil for the forst time this run.

    Has worked for me with prop/tren/winny.
    thank you sir

  13. #13
    hugovsilva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    thank you sir
    Anytime bro. Just keep me posted when you start.

  14. #14
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    sounds like your heading in the right direction. good luck!!

  15. #15
    hobbs9963's Avatar
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    I've ran tren many times in the past. Hadn't had anything in 2 years and the sweats at night still continue. Have to keep my place at 66-68 degrees or 'll freakin overheat. Still love it though, start first cycle back on friday. Good times and good cycling.

  16. #16
    tempbrit's Avatar
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    The one thing I want to point out is the dosing differences between Fina conversions and powder. Previously I thought I was running as much as 125mgs ED of Tren (using conversion gear). However, with Tren homebrewed with powder, it made me realize how much the conversion gear was underdosed. There is no way I would run Powder Tren at 125mgs ED.

    I am also running Gh at 4ius ED and then going to add some VAR to the last 6-8 weeks or so at about 75mgs (when I am below 8-9%bodyfat).

  17. #17
    schutzhundk9 is offline New Member
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    Just curious why you think the conversions are underdosed. Is it possible that the powders are overdosed? I would think that FDA regulated Synovex or Finaplex would be more accurately dosed than an UG lab powder. Just a thought.

  18. #18
    BuffBuffalo's Avatar
    BuffBuffalo is offline Senior Member
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    Tren sounds pretty serious, I don't know if I could handle those side effects though Is it really that much better than other similar compounds with less sides?

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