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  1. #1
    weyershausen is offline New Member
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    Jan 2008

    making a comeback

    Hey Guys-

    I statrted juceing when i was 23 im now 30. In the 7 years i have probably done 5 cycles. in the begining i did not take any anti est or hcg . my more recent cycles have been better planned.
    My last cyle was in april made it up to 185 which was a record for me. im 5'11". I then had to have a surgery on my wrist putting me out of the game for nearly 7 months. within the seven months i had blood work done. My testosterone was down to 51. Doc put me on hcg therapy for 6 weeks. Did more blood work and I was at 47. So I think it is clear that my natural testosterone is not working. Doc then put me on "Test therapy" which turned out to be test cypionate 200 mg a week....after 9 weeks i got gyno. then started to ejaculate blood. He told me to cut the dose in half. i decided to stop every thing and do my own research which is why I'm here. has anyone ever heard of such a thing?
    here is my question does any one know of anyways to get my natural test going again? My doctor does not seem to have any other answers for me.
    part of me wants to give it a rest. Then start a cycle.

  2. #2
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by weyershausen View Post
    Hey Guys-

    I statrted juceing when i was 23 im now 30. In the 7 years i have probably done 5 cycles. in the begining i did not take any anti est or hcg . my more recent cycles have been better planned.
    My last cyle was in april made it up to 185 which was a record for me. im 5'11". I then had to have a surgery on my wrist putting me out of the game for nearly 7 months. within the seven months i had blood work done. My testosterone was down to 51. Doc put me on hcg therapy for 6 weeks. Did more blood work and I was at 47. So I think it is clear that my natural testosterone is not working. Doc then put me on "Test therapy" which turned out to be test cypionate 200 mg a week....after 9 weeks i got gyno. then started to ejaculate blood. He told me to cut the dose in half. i decided to stop every thing and do my own research which is why I'm here. has anyone ever heard of such a thing?
    here is my question does any one know of anyways to get my natural test going again? My doctor does not seem to have any other answers for me.
    part of me wants to give it a rest. Then start a cycle.

    Ive never heard of this problems ejaculating blood on TRT.

  3. #3
    gettinthere is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2001
    Steroids are bad ummkay?
    I'm interested in the replies also...

  4. #4
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am sure you will get more replies on the hrt forum. In the mean time from what I have read, the most efficient way to get your production back is doing a combination of hcg (around 3000iu/week split in 3 shots), hmg (around 100iu/week) also split in 3 shots and an AI (here I would reccomend Aromasin ) and maybe some Nolva at 20mg ed for several weeks or until production resumes.

    Do your own reading on this as check what could be right for you.

  5. #5
    weyershausen is offline New Member
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    Jan 2008
    im pretty sure the blood came from the prostate. "Testosterone aromatizes easily and has a high conversion rate to DHT. This can cause possible prostate problems or gyno "

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