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Thread: No visible gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    No visible gains

    Okay, so my friend, who is too lazy to come on here for himself is having some issues.

    He just finished a Tren A cycle 3 weeks ago and has jumped on to a new cycle almost immediately.

    He is running:

    Test-E (75mg/ml) @ 1.5 ml EOD
    Sust 250 @ 2ml, 1 shot/week
    D-bols @ 40 mg / day
    Nolva @ 20 mg / day

    He has been running this cycle for 2 weeks now and is not seeing any staggering gains.

    He is 31, 5'6" and 165 lbs.

    I told him it could be one of 3 things.

    1) He isn't eating enough. In his desire not to get fat he is restricting his caloric intake too much. I told him to eat like me but I'm 6'1" @ 215lbs, and like I said, he worries about getiing a gut.

    2) He has been on way too much. He has been on-cycle almost for a year and a half. He only takes 3 month breaks and has run similar compounds at higher doses every time.

    3) He has bad gear. Don't think its possible as he uses the same source as most guys I know.

    Any advice??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Good advices (as Arnold would say). Those are the basic tenants for this problem. I'd add "...eating enough protein" to #1 as well, not just overall calories which is also important. However, based on your description, the problem is likely #2. Pull for him some old Marcus short cycle threads that expand on the topic of growth spurts/cycles, and exactly how they work. If you could grow continuously Cutler would return with an extra 50-60lbs each year.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    165 lbs?? this is way low to start any cycles. I wouldn't touch anything until I reach my natural limits. Anyway I think he needs to do a PCT first to clean the system and then to jump on another cycle like that. I've actually done the same as your friend years ago and had the same problem but to have any gains you need to bump up the amount of the gear(do not recommend to do it). Stay away for now with a good PCT.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by DesiBoy View Post
    165 lbs?? this is way low to start any cycles. I wouldn't touch anything until I reach my natural limits. Anyway I think he needs to do a PCT first to clean the system and then to jump on another cycle like that. I've actually done the same as your friend years ago and had the same problem but to have any gains you need to bump up the amount of the gear(do not recommend to do it). Stay away for now with a good PCT.
    Well, the guy is 31 years old, AND only 5'6", so if he is a very lean 165, that is the equivalent of being
    215 at 6ft. That is according to the PI, which is far more accurate than the BMI.

    So he is if his BF% is low, then he has enough size to start.

    So my guesses are these.

    1. Eating way too little. If he is starving himself of protein then he is not going to be making gains.

    2. Fake gear.

    3. The nolva may be hurting his IGF-1 production. It may or may not, as far as I know the jury is still out on this..

    4. It could be that he has too much E2 going on, and Estradiol (E2) is not actually going to be lowered by nolva, although the nolva could hurt his IGF-1.
    E2 is an important growth factor itself, however if the levels are too high you will have too much SHGB, which will tie up a lot of what he is taking.
    Although nolva blocks the effects of E2 at some sites such as the nipples, it also increases total E2, AND it increases SHGB. That would turn a lot of the precious Free-T into Bound-T.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Is nolva the only blocker he's taking?

  6. #6
    EAT EAT and eat some more. Hang in there it will come.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Yes he is a very lean 165. He wants to get to 180. But I said it must be not enough protein and carbs.

    I will relay what you guys have put down and see what he says.

    Yes, Nolva is all he is taking right now. But he also has HCG and Clomid for his PCT.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Yes he is a very lean 165. He wants to get to 180. But I said it must be not enough protein and carbs.

    I will relay what you guys have put down and see what he says.

    Yes, Nolva is all he is taking right now. But he also has HCG and Clomid for his PCT.
    Is he SEEING a difference? Even if he isn't eating enough he should seem SOMETHING with that cycle even if its not what it should be. If he isn't my bet would be bad gear.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by beenie View Post
    Is he SEEING a difference? Even if he isn't eating enough he should seem SOMETHING with that cycle even if its not what it should be. If he isn't my bet would be bad gear.

    He just keeps getting leaner. In my mind, the deficiency in calories and excess cardio are hindering his growth. I have since convinced him to try it my way for 2 weeks. Eat like crazy, Lift Heavy, and don't do so much damn cardio!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    He just keeps getting leaner. In my mind, the deficiency in calories and excess cardio are hindering his growth. I have since convinced him to try it my way for 2 weeks. Eat like crazy, Lift Heavy, and don't do so much damn cardio!
    If his weight is staying the same, and he is getting leaner, then he IS making gains.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I disagree meathead on that cycle he should be gaining weight.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    He just keeps getting leaner. In my mind, the deficiency in calories and excess cardio are hindering his growth. I have since convinced him to try it my way for 2 weeks. Eat like crazy, Lift Heavy, and don't do so much damn cardio!
    Yes he is making gains and is doing it the way I do. His weight is staying the same but his body fat is going down. To me this is called lean body mass. I dont think that this is the worst thing in the world. Would you rather be big and fat or thin and lean? Some professionals aregreat at bulding and cutting but for most of us the lean is what we are going for anyway. How does HE feel about his gains?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Also He Needs To Realize That Test Doesnt Really Kick In Untill Around Week 4. So That Doesnt Mean Your Gear Is Bunk.. He Just Needs To Be More Patient,. It Will Come..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Well, the guy is 31 years old, AND only 5'6", so if he is a very lean 165, that is the equivalent of being
    215 at 6ft. That is according to the PI, which is far more accurate than the BMI.

    So he is if his BF% is low, then he has enough size to start.

    So my guesses are these.

    1. Eating way too little. If he is starving himself of protein then he is not going to be making gains.

    2. Fake gear.

    3. The nolva may be hurting his IGF-1 production. It may or may not, as far as I know the jury is still out on this..

    4. It could be that he has too much E2 going on, and Estradiol (E2) is not actually going to be lowered by nolva, although the nolva could hurt his IGF-1.
    E2 is an important growth factor itself, however if the levels are too high you will have too much SHGB, which will tie up a lot of what he is taking.
    Although nolva blocks the effects of E2 at some sites such as the nipples, it also increases total E2, AND it increases SHGB. That would turn a lot of the precious Free-T into Bound-T.
    Not SHGB but SHBG (Sex Hormon Binding Globulin)
    Good post bro. I also took Proviron during cycle that might be lowering SHBG
    and I had gain.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Well, the guy is 31 years old, AND only 5'6", so if he is a very lean 165, that is the equivalent of being
    215 at 6ft. That is according to the PI, which is far more accurate than the BMI.

    So he is if his BF% is low, then he has enough size to start.

    So my guesses are these.

    1. Eating way too little. If he is starving himself of protein then he is not going to be making gains.

    2. Fake gear.

    3. The nolva may be hurting his IGF-1 production. It may or may not, as far as I know the jury is still out on this..

    4. It could be that he has too much E2 going on, and Estradiol (E2) is not actually going to be lowered by nolva, although the nolva could hurt his IGF-1.
    E2 is an important growth factor itself, however if the levels are too high you will have too much SHGB, which will tie up a lot of what he is taking.
    Although nolva blocks the effects of E2 at some sites such as the nipples, it also increases total E2, AND it increases SHGB. That would turn a lot of the precious Free-T into Bound-T.
    What % of BF the maximum allowed to start AAS ??? I may be stupid but I really don't know.

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