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  1. #1
    BEAR101 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004

    Doctor thinks i have gyno PLEASE HELP!!

    Last week i went to the doctor because of a lump under my right nipple. He said it wasnt gyno but now after an ultra sound he thinks it is.. I have no tenderness or sensitivity there which is weried.. The lump is roughly the size of a nickel.

    Im in my 3rd week of a test only cycle at 700mg a wk. Im gonna take prov and arimidex . Will that take care of it.. And for neone that has had this happen tell me how and if anti e treatment worked for you. I know that is not from this cycle i just didnt notice it till recently.


  2. #2
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Orange county, CA
    Well I have been on letro for the past 10 days at 2.5mg ed.... I had lumps under my nipples and of course got worried and found letro would do the trick... :::::touching nipples as i type::::: the lump has gone down i would say about 75% at least..... Order letro from and get on that... 1 bottle for $50 or 3 bottles for $100, if the pocket book approves I say get the 3 bottles for $100, can't have too much letro that's for sure! Just remember it gets way more in depth though, you don't want to eliminate ALL estrogen because our bodies produce estrogen naturally and help us with our gains as well as our joints.... First start with placing the order and searching for posts by 'Merc.' I'm almost possitive he's the one that wrote the post that helped me a lot.... Good luck bro!

  3. #3
    BEAR101 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I read the post by c bino letro seems to be the way to go.... so im thinking i run anti e for the duration of my cycle to prevent further formation of the lump and then on completion of my pct stat the gyno reduction with letro.

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