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  1. #1
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
    BEAMERMAN is offline Junior Member
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    nolvadex all cycle

    I trying to work all the kinks out before i start my cycle. I am pretty sure that iam going to run 20mg of nolvadex the hole cycle. I no it probally will depend on my how i react but what do you think.

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    well ur not giving us enough info to aid u in anyway.
    wat is ur cycle consisting of?
    how much test are u running and whats the ester?
    are u gyno prone at all?
    personally i see no need for a SERM or AI during cycle unless u have pre'existing gyno issues or are prone to bloat

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    you can go ahead and do it but dont think there is a real need for it till pct this would be your first cycle which should only be test 400 or 500 mgs wk 1-10 or 12

  4. #4
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    Under your bed.....
    adding to taiboxa how about we see some stats ?

  5. #5
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
    BEAMERMAN is offline Junior Member
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    sorry ill be running test 400-500 12weeks and week 1-4 20-40mg of dbol not sure on how much still working it out want to have a freaking insane first cycle so iam making sure i dont f**k up and make it worth it

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    if ur diet isnt 110% right now i suggest u focus on tweaking that (that will definetly be the synergistic factor for ur cycle).

    no need for nolva IMO.. just make sure u have pct products Plus some extra AI's on hand for possible gyno issues

  7. #7
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    Under your bed.....
    ya im one of the not so lucky that had a horrible first cycle honestly thats a good simple cycle which lets you see how you will react to aas which is why its recommend as a first cycle. Got anything for a pct ?

  8. #8
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
    BEAMERMAN is offline Junior Member
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    iam just going to use clomid and novadex. my diet is awsome today went shopping my buddy thinks its so funny that i eat so much he says we cant take his car cause theres not enough room in his jeep

  9. #9
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
    BEAMERMAN is offline Junior Member
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    i would like to have my cycle set before i get my shit so i dont get shit i dont want

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BEAMERMAN View Post
    iam just going to use clomid and novadex. my diet is awsome today went shopping my buddy thinks its so funny that i eat so much he says we cant take his car cause theres not enough room in his jeep
    clomid+nolva is not ideal pct.. way out dated and there are FAR FAR more effective pct protocols around.
    Since pct is the most important phase of a cycle i suggest u research it intensely

  11. #11
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    Under your bed.....
    might wanna have an AI on hand like Tai said just incase you are gyno prone

  12. #12
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
    BEAMERMAN is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    clomid+nolva is not ideal pct.. way out dated and there are FAR FAR more effective pct protocols around.
    Since pct is the most important phase of a cycle i suggest u research it intensely
    maybe like a hcg or somthing like that instead

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Under your bed.....
    not instead add that with the nolva and clomid look at Anthony Robert's pct protocol great place to start learning about pct

  14. #14
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
    BEAMERMAN is offline Junior Member
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    alright will do thanks

  15. #15
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Keep in mind novla can also reduce your gains on cycle.. It lowers IGF-1 ...


  16. #16
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Take a look at this study ..

    Tamoxifen reduces serum insulin -like growth factor I (IGF-I).Pollak MN, Huynh HT, Lefebvre SP.
    McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

    Antiestrogens are widely used in the management of hormonally responsive breast cancer in both adjuvant and palliative settings, and are currently being evaluated as chemopreventive agents. The classical mechanism of action of these drugs involves inhibition of estrogen-stimulated neoplastic cell proliferation by blockade of estrogen receptors present on breast cancer cells. This paper reviews recent clinical and laboratory data that suggest that the commonly used antiestrogen tamoxifen also acts to reduce serum IGF-I levels. Estrogens appear to play a permissive role in growth hormone (GH) release by the pituitary gland and GH is known to stimulate IGF-I expression by hepatocytes. It is therefore possible that blockade of estrogen receptors in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis by tamoxifen interferes with GH release, leading to reduced hepatic IGF-I expression. In view of results suggesting that IGF-I is a more potent mitogen than estradiol for breast cancer cells and data demonstrating a positive correlation between estrogen receptor level and IGF-I receptor level of breast cancer cells, the IGF-I lowering effect of tamoxifen may contribute to the cytostatic activity of the drug. The interrelationships between steroid hormone physiology and IGF-I physiology may have relevance to a variety of commonly used treatments for hormonally responsive cancers.

    PMID: 1421427 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


  17. #17
    FREAK's Avatar
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    right here
    Tamoxifen (nolvadex ) blocks estrogen receptors,it doesn't inhibit the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.If u use this as a anti-estrogen, you will lose a certain percentage of your testosterone to estrogen conversion.With Arimidex ,femara and Aromasin usage the aromatase enzyme is disabled and your testosterone stays predominately as test..Tamoxifen has been shown to inhibit the release of IGF-1 from the liver.Even if only slightly inhibits IGF-1 release,why risk it?IN my eyes Nolvadex is no good unless your a woman

  18. #18
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
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    perhaps iam thinking a ai with hcg would be the best for my pct and if i experience any gyno take some ai. am i correct or iam i just completly confused

  19. #19
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    check this thread out ...

    Estrogen Will It Effect My Gains


  20. #20
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
    BEAMERMAN is offline Junior Member
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    ok i like that thread really easy to read and understand. so its good to use for a pct however if i use it during i will not see the gains that i should. correct???? if i experience gyno bloating ect during my cycle what would i take then nolvadex

  21. #21
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by BEAMERMAN View Post
    ok i like that thread really easy to read and understand. so its good to use for a pct however if i use it during i will not see the gains that i should. correct???? if i experience gyno bloating ect during my cycle what would i take then nolvadex
    What compounds would you be using in your cycle ?


  22. #22
    solidA is offline Associate Member
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    20 is too much

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