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  1. #1
    d.nimful is offline New Member
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    epistimology help!!!

    I'm 20 yrs old...been training for approx 4 yrs now [U]naturally[U] My weight before my lifting career began was around 150-155 (ectomorph for sure!) Ever since then i've trained hard, ate as good as possible, slept like a rock... supp creatine couple times and now im around 160-165 (still lean)

    I've been doing serious research into the realm of AAS, and besides debating with myself and doing research i have no primary resources for advise...

    Nandrolone seems a safe bet, however, if i were to experiment i would prefer to start with an oral (dianabol ) and because i aint ready to stick myself! id rather not spend the money on injectables then wuss out....but thats beside the point

    all in all, im just looking to experiment with one cycle(nothing huge) and im aware of the side effects of d-bol as well as the temproary gains...

    If any of you guys would be willing to advise me on the path i seem to be edging towards OR have better suggestions for a beginner... maybe its too early to start, however i have a strong appreciation for training and the long days/meals/sleeps involved in gaining naturally!! THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD START... none of this lazy/ignorant teenage self fullfilling prophices!!



  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    your no where near ready to utilize aas in any form.. gots lots of reading to do ahead of you... start in the diet section of the forums.. then work ur way to the education section and then the profiles.

  3. #3
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    unless you're like 5'6" you could still do a lot naturally.

  4. #4
    d.nimful is offline New Member
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    Alright... I have done somewhat deep reseraching into the molecular structure of these compounds, there effects on the body, and so forth, however i cant say i specialize in biological chemistry!!!

    As for dieting... hah eating was somthing i mastered during the summers and i never seemed to buge in terms of weight.... only thing i can say is water retention from creatine(ethyl ester malate) has made me an ocean, so to speak!

    your probably right about staying away from d-bol...side effects/gains not such a reward in the long run...


  5. #5
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    just because you ate a lot doesn't mean you were following a useful bulking diet. Check the diet forum!

  6. #6
    d.nimful is offline New Member
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    Sorry kick... ill run you threw a sample diet i used to follow when work/school seemed to equate adequately:

    morning usually take protein shake(cotains bananna/oatmeal/flax seed/protein...cereal if i had a chance

    lunch mainly high crabs(kraft dinner umm chicken on anything!

    dinner id tone down the carbs and fats

    chicken/pasta/beef(nachos..MM) fish.. if it had protein i ate it!!! i also sticked to my vit/min

    also i had my shakes threwout the day and before bed only without all the extra goodies!

    so i pretty much ran that routine... only eating more than 3 times if you where wondering! solid gains but never bulk ... lean gains/strenght

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    aas is quite an extensive field. the more u read.. the less u know..

  8. #8
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by d.nimful View Post
    Sorry kick... ill run you threw a sample diet i used to follow when work/school seemed to equate adequately:

    morning usually take protein shake(cotains bananna/oatmeal/flax seed/protein...cereal if i had a chance

    lunch mainly high crabs(kraft dinner umm chicken on anything!

    dinner id tone down the carbs and fats

    chicken/pasta/beef(nachos..MM) fish.. if it had protein i ate it!!! i also sticked to my vit/min

    also i had my shakes threwout the day and before bed only without all the extra goodies!

    so i pretty much ran that routine... only eating more than 3 times if you where wondering! solid gains but never bulk ... lean gains/strenght
    I'd still visit the diet forum. Knowing WHAT to eat is only half the battle. Knowing HOW MUCH and WHEN is the other half. You could be eating all the right things, but if you're only tossing 1500 calories down your gut a day, you're never going to put on mass.

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