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  1. #1
    BIG RED I is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Deca, D-bol, Testosterone's: Flu issue?

    HI AR members,

    Of all steroids Deca , D-bol, Test, etc (oral and injectable), which steroid is least likely to cause a common cold or induce flu like symptoms? I know sust is the worst offender, but which is again least likely to cause problems and when do they occur, at the start or during and or on completion of a cycle?

    I always utilise lots of vit-b, vit-c, garlic, and tons of water when i sense flu like symtoms and can avoid this issue! any thoughts as i was sensitive to sust for seven weeks into a cycle of duration ten weeks!!

    Thanx red.

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Oct 2001
    I'd say winny and anavar is the least likely to cause sus flu.
    I got it last time from cyp,eq, and winny, and I would bet it was from the eq because my friend was using the same batch of eq and winny and he got sick also....


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