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  1. #1
    Txdevildawg is offline New Member
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    Test 400 and Tren stack

    Wanted to get some valued feedback from everyone in here as it would be much appreciated. I have some Test 400 and Tren that i am looking to start my 2nd cycle with. Im 5'11 and weigh 200lbs with BF ranging from 11-13%.

    My 1st experience with gear was pretty basic as I only did EQ for about 8 weeks which consisted of about 250ml weekly. PCT consisted of clomid. It has been about 3 months since i last injected and anxious to get started again with the test 400 and tren combo.

    I have heard to start off with the test for the 1st two weeks then bring the tren on, i would prefer to inject EOD with that in mind, what doseage recommendations do yall have?

  2. #2
    solidA is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2006
    lol that wasnt a cycle at all t hat u did

    and prepare for t400 its very painfull

  3. #3
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    city of brotherly love
    tren A OR tREN E ,,,acetate should be evey day ,you will get the best results this way and you can start them together,i have run tren at 150mg/ed for as long as 26 weeks...use it for as long as you can tolerate the sides at a dose you can tolerate..start at 75mg and adjust upwards until you cant bare the sides and then drop it down a notch and you will be good...i was sleeping no more then 2hrs a nite and sweating my balls off 24/7...sometimes i would get the chills also and it was 90 degrees out...its hard to regulate your body temp if your dose is too high,,,but it works like nothing else..

  4. #4
    mayhemike is offline Junior Member
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    can you mix the trenbolone and test in one needle to avoid several needle marks?

  5. #5
    mayhemike is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008


    can you mix the trenbolone and test in one needle to avoid several needle marks?

  6. #6
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    city of brotherly love

  7. #7
    mayhemike is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Cool I just read a post about someone getting a vein and I have not done that yet...and dont want to

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