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  1. #1
    BlackWidow's Avatar
    BlackWidow is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006

    B-6, Bromo and Cycle critique

    Hey guys,

    Just want to make sure coz I researched but couldn't find an exact answer...

    I'll be running Deca @ 300 mg EW (first timer) with Test enanthate . I am afraid of Deca sides so, I want to run the proper ancillaries with it.

    From what I read, it's B-6 and Bromo but I am not sure about the doses.

    Is B-6 tablets or inj. and what dose ED?
    I think Bromo is to run 2.5 mg ED in 2 doses a.m. and p.m., right?!

    So, my cycle will be like this:

    Weeks 1-16: Test enanthate @ 1500 mg EW
    Weeks 1-12: Deca @ 300 mg EW

    Nolva @ 20 mg and Prov. @ 50 mg ED throughout the whole cycle...
    With B-6 and Bromo

    What do you think guys?!!

  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Aug 2005
    not to sure about the B-6. I have been shut down from deca and used Cabergoline, which is along the same lines as Bromo. So far its been working. I take B-6 tablets at i think 4 pills a day. i want to say they are 1000mg. so 4000mg. ill have to check the label. But i do recommend the Caber though.

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