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Thread: Little peek

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Southern California

    Little peek

    Here ya go,

    little pic of me.

    Detailed Information:

    Live in Southern CA,

    5'7" 226 lbs 14% bodyfat

    Have not competed in about 11 years, preparing to return to stage in
    about 2 years.


    Heavy protein (Nitrotech), approx 290 grams per day total protein.
    Other protein sources include fish, chicken, and LOTS of lean beef.
    Moderate complex carbohydrates (spread out between six carb doses
    per day, heaviest before workout). Keep fats and sugars low year round.
    One cheat day per week, usually something small and sweet such as one
    popsicle. I eat vegetables like crazy. I'm known as "Carrot Man" at
    work. I can sit and munch on a head of lettuce like others eat popcorn.
    Suck down water like I'll never get any again, No breads, rarely pasta, skim milk.
    Not easy to get 4000 calories with such a lean diet, very expensive, but have to
    do what we have to do.


    Hydroxycut and various other ECA's twice per day, morning and before workout.
    Usually switch brands when one bottle runs out. Muscletech Nitro Tech,
    Sustanon 250, 500 mg per week for 10 weeks, Proviron, 2 weeks at 50mg, one week
    off (Proviron works better than Nolv for me, although I did manage to get some
    gyno before the Proviron kicked in. I'm scheduled for surgery in December).
    Oeffler Revorvit-B, 25mg (25, 37.5, 50, 37.5, 25) first five weeks of cycle,
    Winstrol-V, 50mg EOD last five weeks of cycle, "Primoteston Depot", 500mg, weeks 2-8,
    Chlomid, 50, 100, 50, weeks 11-13.


    Mon - Back, Biceps (Bent rows or T-Bar 4 sets, 225-265lbs, Lat pulldowns to front 4 sets, 200-260,
    Seated rows 4 sets, 240-320 lbs)

    Tues - Chest, Triceps (Dumbell bench press, 4 sets, 100-120lbs, Incline Press 4 sets, 225-255lbs,
    Dips with weight added or decline press, 4 sets, 225-245 lbs.) Tricep presses, 4 sets, 95-125, tricep pushdowns, 5 sets, 90-110lbs.

    Wed - Off (Abdominal work at home in front of tv)

    Thurs - Quads and Hamstrings (Squats, 4 sets, 315-415lbs, 6-8 reps, Leg Press, 4 sets, 720-900lbs,
    Leg extensions, 4sets, 240-280lbs, Stiff leg deadlifts or Lying leg curls, 4 sets, deadlifts
    at 225 lbs, leg curles from 160-210 lbs).

    Fri - Shoulders, Calves (Seated front presses smyth machine [bad rotator cuff] 4 sets, 215-235,
    Standing or seated dumbell side laterals 4 sets, 45-60lb, Bent over dumbell side laterals, 4sets,
    45-65 lbs.

    Sat - Ab work in front of tv at home.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	jarhed2.jpg 
Views:	300 
Size:	34.4 KB 
ID:	16  

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