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  1. #1
    Spartan0503 is offline Junior Member
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    Test- is it worth it?

    The majority of the guys on here say that test is the base of all cycles, never do a cycle without it, and so on. I have used steroids before, but I have never used test because I was afraid of the side effects. Also, I get the idea that whatever you gain on test you will lose later. I am considering my next cycle, but I am not sold on using test yet. Are my assumptions about test wrong? All you test lovers, heres your chance to prove that test is king. Appreciate the feedback.

  2. #2
    anabolicquest24 is offline Junior Member
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    alot of people on this site use aas and all will insist that test needs to be the base, sooo i think there is prob a reason for that. i am new,on my first cycle (test) but all my reaserch leads me to believe that test gains will mostly be kept as long as proper pct is used.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicquest24 View Post
    alot of people on this site use aas and all will insist that test needs to be the base, sooo i think there is prob a reason for that. i am new,on my first cycle (test) but all my reaserch leads me to believe that test gains will mostly be kept as long as proper pct is used.
    good answer. ^

  4. #4
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Sides from test: gyno, bloat, hairloss and ceastation of HPTA. All combated by anti-e's and serms, finasteride or dut and low dose HCG while on cycle and clomid/nolva in PCT. Test is the best benefit to sides ratio IMO if you use everyting mentioned above if you are prone. There is an answer for every unwanted side. Test keeps your sex drive up while using deca , tren or any drug that severely suppresses HPTA. So it is required according to me.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 01-19-2008 at 07:37 PM.

  5. #5
    DesiBoy is offline Associate Member
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    Spartan just wonder what your cycles looked like without test. I want to try smth without test just cause I get anxiety when do test. Thanks.

  6. #6
    High-roller is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anabolicquest24 View Post
    alot of people on this site use aas and all will insist that test needs to be the base, sooo i think there is prob a reason for that. i am new,on my first cycle (test) but all my reaserch leads me to believe that test gains will mostly be kept as long as proper pct is used.
    NOT TRYING TO OWN THIS POST, But If you were to do test for 10 weeks, and gain lets say 15 pounds, and did PCT What would I lose then 5 pounds?

    And what to you is a good PCT on let say Test C? Novla? 20mg per day for 10 weeks? and then follow till 12 week and start taking 40-50mg?

    Just trying to help buddy and Me at same time.. Cause we all no takin Oral can Damage Liver as for Injection can bypass and not harm it that bad.

    Please correct me if wrong!

  7. #7
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    High roller you are not wrong oral does do liver damage but not as much as ppl say drinking liqour is way worse im not saying that you should take a bunch of orals but an oral along with and injection is fine just dont drink to much while on cycle which you shouldnt be doing anyways

  8. #8
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    for pct i would recommend looking into Anthony Roberts pct protocol he explains alot there helped me out plenty

  9. #9
    ecto9's Avatar
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    Well I did retain some gains from dbol only and var only, albeit just a little. I can't wait to do a 12 weeker with test. From what I'm reading it's really the best way to go. Alot of guys on hear feel the same way.

  10. #10
    High-roller is offline Member
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    Well, I am on that list of doing test c pretty soon, but only 10 wk.

  11. #11
    d smooth's Avatar
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    lost only 10% 0f my gains, weight & strength

  12. #12
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    the sides with test are related to the amount you take..the higher the dose, the greater liklihood of I only run 350mg/wk (50mg prop/day) in all my cycles...i find that dose gives me zero sides and it allows me to run other compounds a little higher..i love test it makes you feel great, but i dont believe you need a lot of it to have a good cycle. 500 is a good dose, i see no reason to go any higher than that..

  13. #13
    Spartan0503 is offline Junior Member
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    Desiboy, I did a dbol /deca cycle that was incredible. gained about 25 pounds in two months and kept nearly all of it. used arimidex for PCT.

  14. #14
    Elefanten is offline New Member
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    I believe test should be in every cycle to prevent the sides of low test, but I don't see why it HAS to be run any higher than what the body produces in a natural state.

    I am one of those very prone to acne. I get it mostly from estrogen, but also DHT seems to give my skin a hard time. In other words, to run test at a higher dose I would need both finasteride and arimidex , and thus gaining less from it and paying more than twice as much.

    Therefore I just do cycles with i.e tren or deca as the "builder" with a small dose of test (100-200mg EW). So far it's all good, and I welcome anyone to give me a reason why I should run it as a base when there obviously is so many steroids that make a better choice for me.

  15. #15
    SNUKA's Avatar
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    ^^^^totally agree and you beat me too it.

    running the test low allows you to reap the benefits without most of the sides. I would say after the first 2 cycles test should no longer be run at a dose of 500mgs. I feel that after the body has been introduced to it at that dose there will no other benefits of increasing it besides more side effects. and other who have run it at a gram or better will tell you there was no difference from 500mg besides more sides. it works well for the first cycle and even the second because its like a new stimuli to the body, but after that i would run low dose test with 19nors and dhts as they are far better for muscle building.

  16. #16
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    Last edited by Big; 01-20-2008 at 02:10 PM.

  17. #17
    Spartan0503 is offline Junior Member
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    what about a test only cycle? would you guys recommend cyp?

  18. #18
    admirals56 is offline Banned
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan0503 View Post
    what about a test only cycle? would you guys recommend cyp?
    Quote Originally Posted by admirals56 View Post
    first cycle
    you can definitely recommend cyp, even though you have never cycled? I know you mean well, but rather than just repeat things you've read there are plenty of people here with experience to advise. Just my 2 cents...

  20. #20
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan0503 View Post
    what about a test only cycle? would you guys recommend cyp?
    Any kind of test as long as the price is right...Prop and Sus are my favs...

  21. #21
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan0503 View Post
    The majority of the guys on here say that test is the base of all cycles, never do a cycle without it, and so on. I have used steroids before, but I have never used test because I was afraid of the side effects. Also, I get the idea that whatever you gain on test you will lose later. I am considering my next cycle, but I am not sold on using test yet. Are my assumptions about test wrong? All you test lovers, heres your chance to prove that test is king. Appreciate the feedback.
    yes because the way it makes u feel and no because the sides and low ability to keep gains

  22. #22
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    Test keeps you sex drive through the roof
    Test gives the best feeling in the world
    Test gives you mad pumps
    Test gives you mad strength gains
    Test DOENS'T make you feel like shit on cycle
    Test is good for your heart
    Test is the prime male androgen in the body , you keep your body funtioning optimally when u use test
    Test raises IGF-1 in muscle tissue
    Test will give you the sheer mass , never seen with other compounds in my opinion it remains the N1 compound for some srious growth man
    Test will give you the " drive" for life and for fun

    I personally have never seen greater gains than Test gains , Its the main hormone that make you more muscular than the

    females man , so you mught as well use it , its essential for mass( gaining or maintaining )

    Trust me man , you will feel great while on Test .

    And by the way , you seem to be worried about loosing your gains , just do a good PCT man , its easy really,chill hehe

    And another thing too , ALL compounds supress the HPTA , ya even primo , i used it and it SHUT ME DOWN .

    I did a cycle without test , hehe , i felt like shit , irritable , low , no sex , no strength , no good mood , no nothing ....

    so , use Test , you will be gratefull for it , I LUV IT .
    Last edited by SilverTest; 01-21-2008 at 08:42 AM.

  23. #23
    abombing's Avatar
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    I love test! There's a counter to almost any sides you experience and the benefits are awesome!

  24. #24
    Elefanten is offline New Member
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    No doubt that you should have test in every cycle. What I don't get is why people keep saying it should be ran higher than every other compound or atleast the same.

    Obviously you don't get many of the sides from test (jealous), but some, like myself, do. For us that get the sides it's enough to take 100-200 mg EW, and another more preferable steroid higher.

    The "best feeling in the world" is also in my eyes a reason to NOT run it at high doses. For those who get this feeling on it comming off test is even harder then coming off other steroids .

  25. #25
    Spartan0503 is offline Junior Member
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    is there an advantage to long esters versus short ones or vice versa? I know long esters you can get away with injecting once a week, but are there any other significant differences between the two?

  26. #26
    Elefanten is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan0503 View Post
    is there an advantage to long esters versus short ones or vice versa? I know long esters you can get away with injecting once a week, but are there any other significant differences between the two?
    Yes, esters affect several things like the conversion rate to estrogen. Short esters seems to be the better choice. How big the difference is I don't know.

    Everyones going to hate me now.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan0503 View Post
    is there an advantage to long esters versus short ones or vice versa? I know long esters you can get away with injecting once a week, but are there any other significant differences between the two?
    Long esters should be shot twice a week, at about 3.5 days. Monday morning and Thursday evening for me.

    I havent run prop before because I only get prescription for cyp.

  28. #28
    Brazilian_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Hey if your afraid of losing gains, think about adding some Clen to your PCT. From all the information that i have gathered Clen, is great on PCT as it will shred unwanted fat gains from bulking and will also keep most your muscle mass?

    Anyone disagree?

  29. #29
    hugovsilva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    Test keeps you sex drive through the roof
    Test gives the best feeling in the world
    Test gives you mad pumps Have you tried any dht or tren?
    Test gives you mad strength gains Same as above
    Test DOENS'T make you feel like shit on cycle
    Test is good for your heart
    Test is the prime male androgen in the body , you keep your body funtioning optimally when u use test
    Test raises IGF-1 in muscle tissue Estrogen does that
    Test will give you the sheer mass , never seen with other compounds in my opinion it remains the N1 compound for some srious growth man Have you tried any 19nor?
    Test will give you the " drive" for life and for fun

    I personally have never seen greater gains than Test gains , Its the main hormone that make you more muscular than the

    females man , so you mught as well use it , its essential for mass( gaining or maintaining )

    Trust me man , you will feel great while on Test .

    And by the way , you seem to be worried about loosing your gains , just do a good PCT man , its easy really,chill hehe

    And another thing too , ALL compounds supress the HPTA , ya even primo , i used it and it SHUT ME DOWN .

    I did a cycle without test , hehe , i felt like shit , irritable , low , no sex , no strength , no good mood , no nothing ....

    so , use Test , you will be gratefull for it , I LUV IT .

    Don't get me wrong, Test is a great compound, but for strength and mass there are much better ones.

    At this time i run test just as a replacement dosage because I feel that DHT's and 19nor's give me better strength and size than test.

  30. #30
    hugovsilva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazilian_Juice View Post
    Hey if your afraid of losing gains, think about adding some Clen to your PCT. From all the information that i have gathered Clen, is great on PCT as it will shred unwanted fat gains from bulking and will also keep most your muscle mass?

    Anyone disagree?
    Clen is supposed to be anti-catabolic but it does not perform miracles. I run it during pct anyway but also run all the cycle duration. Clen will not hold your gains but will help to keep you lean when you have to increase your calories after a cutting cycle.

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