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Thread: first time injection issues

  1. #1

    first time injection issues

    I have currently started a cycle (my 1st) consisting of test/dbol. After the first test injection, injection area (shoulder) turned red, and is swollen. Sterile precautions were used. Could this irritation possibly the because the test didn't fully penetrate the muscle. No lump but area feels tight/warm and is slightly red. Cheers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    could be lots of things...are you using pharm grade or is it UG gear..if UG gear then mosy likely the high BA used and its just irritated,either way,put hot compresses on it(wet rag) and take a motrin if it really starts to hurt...just part of the game bro,get used to it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mr rutzie View Post
    I have currently started a cycle (my 1st) consisting of test/dbol. After the first test injection, injection area (shoulder) turned red, and is swollen. Sterile precautions were used. Could this irritation possibly the because the test didn't fully penetrate the muscle. No lump but area feels tight/warm and is slightly red. Cheers.
    When did you inject this?? And also does it feel really warm to the touch ( the inject site )?? Do you have a fever

    Last edited by Merc..; 01-20-2008 at 07:41 AM.

  4. #4
    Injected fever at all. Area is warm. Gear is Sweedish in origin I believe..not sure if that is any help. Just a rookie. Area was sore and I felt a burning sensation when rubbed (after inject). Thnks.
    Last edited by mr rutzie; 01-20-2008 at 08:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mr rutzie View Post
    Injected fever at all. Area is warm. Gear is Sweedish in origin I believe..not sure if that is any help. Just a rookie. Area was sore and I felt a burning sensation when rubbed (after inject). Read alot about absences and was a little concerned.......Thnks.
    Keep a eye on it and watch for a fever and swelling ...

    Keep us posted on how your doing ...


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    dont worry about it bro,ive had shit loads of abseses,theres nothing to be concerned about if you treat it,i had one in my bicep one time i was sorry to see it go,put about 2" on my arm,,haha,,,warm compresses and give it about 3days to loosen time you do you shot...this is what i do....fill the stick then run it under hot water for 20 sec or so,this will get the oil thinner and easier to inject,jump in the shower the warm water loosens your muscles up and take your shot in the shower,then massage the injection site for about 30sec,been doing this way for yrs and havent had a problem since

  7. #7
    Lots of thnks fellas.......area is still swollen and a little sore....will take the advice and also keep an eye on it.........cheers

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Take 800-1000mgs of ibuprofin. Helps with the pain, doesn't get rid of it completely but you wont feel hadicapped.

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