Hey fellas, had a read of the newbie pac so if im missing anything just let me know before shouting and ill go get the infoim here to gain a ton of knowledge from you guys and join your community, but im a total newb with this stuff hehe
ok a little bit of background about me, im almost 20, ive been lifting now for roughly 9 months, im starting now to see myself take shape, and ive never cycled before, the main reason for wanting to juice is for bulking, im at an embarresing 116lbs with height being 5'7'' and i find it incredibly difficult to gain weight my metabolism is that fast, at the moment my diet consists of
wake up, drink some newly found protein shake (3,000 calories) with bananas and peanuts thrown into the mix, eat breakfast including toast and fibre breakfast
at work i have 2 meals, both homemade, tuna cheese and pasta bakes that i take in in tubs
when i come home my dinner consists of usually chicken/fish, potatoes etc, with another of the mega calorie shakes, followed by a workout
8 hours sleep then rinse and repeat
despite this i havent gained a pound in weight in 3 months of this diet, however the lifting is working and my shape is changing
reading the steroid.com website extensively i looked at the novice cycle of test cyn for 12 weeks with daily dbol 40mg, my question to you guys is is this likely to work as the first cycle someone in my position should take? or do you guys have other suggestions as looking at most of your cycles they involve all sorts of weird and wonderful roids lined up next to each other
my second question to start, would be that i can only find dbol in 25g format, therefore if you were to take 1.5 of the tablets a day to get near 40mg would it still work taking half of one over a full one? or would it be better to just take 50mg???
more to come as i enter your world haha, but this will do for starters, looking forward to chatting with you all