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Thread: gyno and hcg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX

    Question gyno and hcg

    question #1: I am currently doing 450mg deca, and 250 sustanon weekly. i plan to continue for a total of 10 weeks. i have HCG, but does anyone know if i should use it? would i get better gains, due to more testosterone in my system? i was going to run it for 2 weeks mid and post cycle along with clomid at the end of the cycle.

    question #2: what are the signs of gyno, and whats the best product to get rid of it with? my research pointed me towards arimidex.

    question #3: will propecia slow down gains? i have a receding hairline and need to keep it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    1) I wouldn't bother with HCG on a ten week cycle since testicular atrophy should be minimal and easily restored in such a short time.

    2) Itching puffy nipples are the signs most people look for with gyno. Nolvadex is best once you see signs but arimidex is better to run throughout the cycle to prevent estrogen build up.

    3) Do not take propecia with deca or you can say goodbye to your hair.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX
    oh shit, man! thanks for the advice on the propecia and deca. i had no idea. thinking i might run my cycle longer and use the hcg. i bought it black market and it was expensive. can't waste it!

    should i up my dosages or leave them the same if i add another 8 to 10 weeks onto my cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    windy city
    not only he can say goodbye to his hair but also
    his "manhood" propecia eventually will kill the libido system and this is a major problem
    unless ur more concern about ur hair then no problem..

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