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  1. #1
    yamaha145's Avatar
    yamaha145 is offline Junior Member
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    steroids right for me?

    my stats are
    height:6ft 1
    training: 2years.
    cycle: none. natural so far.

    background: been working out 2 years started at 145pds roughly.
    been on a pretty decent diet since the start. my first year wasnt completely faithful to working out, this past year ive trained pretty hard to get to 195pds.ive always been pretty tall and lean, ive began to pack on the pounds this last year in Iraq(deployed with United states army ive been taken whey protein and eating well here.

    im pretty sure ive reached my max. but would like more advice. ive changed up my routines to try and avoid muscle memory and dead spots in my lifting.

    my goal is 235pds.

    i have done some research on steriods .
    so far its been deca , dbol , HGH, and t200(uhm not sure if im aloud to state those names)

    but i would like more information on what or how i should go about steroids .
    its all new to me, and im considering taking them, but would like more experienced people to inform me alot more. thank you for your time

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    if you're set on running a cycle it should be a simple test e cycle at 500mgs/w for 12 weeks, followed by a proper pct.

    research those compounds and about pct and you should have an idea of what you're in for.

    how is your diet?

  3. #3
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    my diet
    i eat nothing fried.
    always baked and steamed.
    although it is army food hahah.
    i eat alot of fish and chicken.
    i drink mostly water and gator aide sometimes.
    i could prolly do a little more research on nutrition.....
    i sometimes miss a meal depending on misson...... def isent good.
    i eat packets of tuna when i get hungry instead of snacking on
    candy and pop.

    i guess my diet is pretty simple. i just tend to make sure not to eat horrible.
    i also get around 200+ grams of protein alone from my shakes.

    dealing with an e cycle, could i explain that a little more and were to look.
    like i stated before any information is very helpful to me at this point.
    Last edited by yamaha145; 01-20-2008 at 03:42 PM.

  4. #4
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by yamaha145 View Post
    my diet
    i eat nothing fried.
    always baked and steamed.
    although it is army food hahah.
    i eat alot of fish and chicken.
    i drink mostly water and gator aide sometimes.
    i could prolly do a little more research on nutrition.....
    i sometimes miss a meal depending on witch def isent good.
    i eat packets of tuna when i get hungry instead of snacking on
    candy and pop.

    i guess my diet is pretty simple. i just tend to make sure not to eat horrible.
    i also get around 200+ grams of protein alone from my shakes.

    dealing with an e cycle, could i explain that a little more and were to look.
    like i stated before any information is very helpful to me at this point.

    go to the diet section to learn how to bulk, steroids dont create muscle out of thin air. 90% of users that report poor gains are diet related.

    check out the steroid profiles section for the test enanthate profile and the pct forum for samples of pcts.

    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Testosterone Enanthate

  5. #5
    dupa95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    go to the diet section to learn how to bulk, steroids dont create muscle out of thin air. 90% of users that report poor gains are diet related.

    check out the steroid profiles section for the test enanthate profile and the pct forum for samples of pcts.

    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Testosterone Enanthate
    Agreed also read up on pct lots of reading

  6. #6
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    go to the diet section to learn how to bulk, steroids dont create muscle out of thin air. 90% of users that report poor gains are diet related.

    check out the steroid profiles section for the test enanthate profile and the pct forum for samples of pcts.

    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Testosterone Enanthate

    understandable. ill check out diet a little more, see what i could be missing.
    i have come along way from 145 at the start of my lifting. to me feels as if im just stuck.

  7. #7
    dupa95's Avatar
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    sounds like you got you head screwed on right. Take it slow and read read read all the answers are here. If you get stuck PM me i will try to help.

  8. #8
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    Agreed also read up on pct lots of reading
    i agree with dupa... research the hell out of 'pct' and why its important..

    theres nothing worse than seeing great gains on a cycle then watching the whole lot drop off cause ya pct isnt up to scratch...

    also the investment in pct far outweighs what you will have paid for all that extra food, supps, juice etc.

  9. #9
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    thank you. so much information! wow!
    i still have lots to learn.
    i dont want to just jump into it.
    but at the same time i do.
    i want more gains.
    but maybe it could be the diet.

    now dealing with test e, im beginning to understand it a little more.
    so once i decide to begin a cycle with it, and the pct would be something to level my test back to normal or is it a little more complicated then that, like what about clomid?

    awh shit ill just pm you. to many questions

  10. #10
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    i agree with dupa... research the hell out of 'pct' and why its important..

    theres nothing worse than seeing great gains on a cycle then watching the whole lot drop off cause ya pct isnt up to scratch...

    also the investment in pct far outweighs what you will have paid for all that extra food, supps, juice etc.

    haha at least i dont got to pay for food, love the army for that
    just need to buy my supplements and juice.

  11. #11
    dupa95's Avatar
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    Be carefull you don not want a dishonerable discharge

  12. #12
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    true , but id mostly likely just get rank taken away.

  13. #13
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yamaha145 View Post
    true , but id mostly likely just get rank taken away.
    just be sensible about it - dont mouth off that ya juicin, and if anyone asks you if you can get gear always deny deny deny

  14. #14
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    right i planned on keeping very low key.
    but thats another problem.
    acutally getting stuff that
    is true shiit and not some
    fake crap or something that
    might mess me up.
    is it acutally smart to buy online?

  15. #15
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yamaha145 View Post
    right i planned on keeping very low key.
    but thats another problem.
    acutally getting stuff that
    is true shiit and not some
    fake crap or something that
    might mess me up.
    is it acutally smart to buy online?
    source discussions are not permitted on the board, you're on your own to find legit gear.

    after 45 days of membership and 100 posts you can qualify for a source check from a willing mod/vet.

  16. #16
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    ok yes.
    very understandable.
    i was more worried about online
    i retract my last message.

    as of right now
    i think im just going to try and bulk up naturally
    for another 4-5months see if i can get some more gains
    just from my diet.
    but i would still like as much info as possible.
    at the same time, before i makethe jump.

  17. #17
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yamaha145 View Post
    ok yes.
    very understandable.
    i was more worried about online
    i retract my last message.

    as of right now
    i think im just going to try and bulk up naturally
    for another 4-5months see if i can get some more gains
    just from my diet.
    but i would still like as much info as possible.
    at the same time, before i makethe jump.
    4-5 months of researching on here and you should be knowlegable enough to run a proper cycle. good luck to you

  18. #18
    MMAfanboy is offline Junior Member
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    I think you could achieve more naturally first but it is up to you..

  19. #19
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMAfanboy View Post
    I think you could achieve more naturally first but it is up to you..
    look at the posts, he is holding off. did you even read the thread?

  20. #20
    SNUKA's Avatar
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    trying to go from 195 to 235lbs is just an unrealistic cycle goal for anyone no matter how crazy there diet is. its going to take more than one cycle. unless this way your goal overall maybe down the road then i can see, but not off a 12weeker of test.

  21. #21
    MMAfanboy is offline Junior Member
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    Not all the way Amorphic.. just contributing my 2 cents even if I didnt read everyone elses..

  22. #22
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    no 235pds is my over all goal not my goal for tommorow.

  23. #23
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    posted some pictures of me as of right now in the pictures forums.
    please check out. dont have any b4 pictures as of right now ill find some.

  24. #24
    dupa95's Avatar
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    Great start! also black your face out we are discusing stroids here.

  25. #25
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    ok blacked it out. thank you.
    told uve i has tall and lean lol.
    thanks for the encouragement.

  26. #26
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    wondering if you guys would like to see my routines.
    dealing with back, chest, arms and shoulders,
    then maybe get some ideas from you all??

  27. #27
    Njord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yamaha145 View Post
    wondering if you guys would like to see my routines.
    dealing with back, chest, arms and shoulders,
    then maybe get some ideas from you all??
    Post it up in the Workout Question forum

  28. #28
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    posted my workout in the workout forums

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