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Thread: Thoughts on next cycle... Main goal - STRENGTH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Thoughts on next cycle... Main goal - STRENGTH

    Sup bros... This will be my 3rd cycle upcoming on April 1. 1st cycle was Test E 500mg/wk for 12 weeks... 2nd cycle i did Sustanon 1-12 and Tren A weeks 7-12...

    My stats - 25 years old, 6 foot 2 232 pounds. 11% bodyfat... my main goal for this upcoming cycle is strength. I will be doing Test E most likely 1-12... but am debating on a couple things. Is Anadrol or DBol better to kickstart a cycle with? I haven't used either one and am wondering the benefits of one as opposed to the other. Also, if I use Tren A again will I get the same gains as last time? or should i try Deca... I absolutely LOVED tren last cycle.. I heard EQ is OK for strength but I've heard it's pretty weak.. any opniions appreciated

    Thanks ahead of time..

  2. #2
    You should def use tren if you are trying to gain strength.

    I'm not sure about drol vs dbol, but I guess it's not that big a difference strength-wise. What you could do is to cycle the oral on and off i.e 5 weeks on, 5 weeks off, and 4 weeks on. I have no personal experience with drol, but dbol gives insane temporarily strengthgains.

    But then again it's a question about what you are willing to risk, and you should at least check your asat/alat between the oral runs, and bp every now and then.

    A safer choice would be to skip the orals, since a kickstart isn't really needed with tren A. From my experience it kicks in after less then 10 days. You could also stack with anavar for safer strengthgains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    you could use halo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    If I were to use tren A again I wouldn't do it in the beginning stages of the cycle.. i'd do it towards the end which is why I'm going to kickstart with DBol or Drol..

    Halo I've heard increases aggression which I'd like, but I don't know if the strength gains are going to be anywhere near Dbol... i could do it 5 weeks on 5 weeks off and then 4 weeks on with Halo I guess.. possibilities are endless

    I haven't used Deca though and am leaning toward adding that instead of Tren A

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution View Post
    If I were to use tren A again I wouldn't do it in the beginning stages of the cycle.. i'd do it towards the end which is why I'm going to kickstart with DBol or Drol..

    Halo I've heard increases aggression which I'd like, but I don't know if the strength gains are going to be anywhere near Dbol... i could do it 5 weeks on 5 weeks off and then 4 weeks on with Halo I guess.. possibilities are endless

    I haven't used Deca though and am leaning toward adding that instead of Tren A
    Oh I see. Why don't you just run the tren from week 1? If you don't got a problem with isomania or other tren-sides I don't see why not?

    I think you will get more from dbol then halo since you don't seem concerned by the weight, and I also believe halo can give you more serious bi's.

    Deca is a good and safe steroid, but it can't compare to the strengthgains you get from tren.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Elefanten View Post
    Oh I see. Why don't you just run the tren from week 1? If you don't got a problem with isomania or other tren-sides I don't see why not?

    I think you will get more from dbol then halo since you don't seem concerned by the weight, and I also believe halo can give you more serious bi's.

    Deca is a good and safe steroid, but it can't compare to the strengthgains you get from tren.
    Tren for 12 weeks is pretty long bro.. lol that would be a hell of a ride those 12 weeks though.

    I'm unfamiliar with Halo, what are your experiences with it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    If you got on well with tren then run it again. You might consider tren E as the injections are less frequent. IMO Dbol and Adrol both give good strength gains. It really boils down to which one suits you. I find Dbol makes me ill and kill my appetite where as Adrol works great for me. Others find Adrol gives them problems. Try one and see for yourself.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Can't wait until April... Right now this is what I'm planning... I want to learn more about Halo, as I might want to add that in at the end of my cycle for 4 weeks...

    1-12 Test E 500mg/wk
    5-12 Tren A 75mg/ed
    1-4 DBol 50mg/ed
    1-4 IGF-1 LR3 80mcg/ed

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution View Post
    Tren for 12 weeks is pretty long bro.. lol that would be a hell of a ride those 12 weeks though.

    I'm unfamiliar with Halo, what are your experiences with it?
    Yeah it's a while, but people respond very different to tren it seems. I for one don't get much of the bi's that usually keep people from running tren for long (decreased apetite, insomania, feeling like shit). I did a 10 weeker @ 400 mg with tren E before christmas, I felt OK all the way and bloodwork and bloodpressure didn't give me any reason to get off. After only 5000 IU of HCG my balls regained full size.

    No, haven't had any experience with halo tough I would love to try it at low doses, maybe between cycles. According to studies it doesn't affect normal production of test much if run at low doses. Availability in norway isn't to good, and norwegian customs does a way to god job.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution View Post
    Can't wait until April... Right now this is what I'm planning... I want to learn more about Halo, as I might want to add that in at the end of my cycle for 4 weeks...

    1-12 Test E 500mg/wk
    5-12 Tren A 75mg/ed
    1-4 DBol 50mg/ed
    1-4 IGF-1 LR3 80mcg/ed
    I like this one

    Have you done dbol before? You might not need 50 mg ED. Got problem with acne or gyno? If so you're probably going to get it at that dose :P

    Maybe put in some more IGF later in the cycle and/or during PCT if you like it?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    never used tren, but used deca and loved it. i think it is the best overall steroid in terms of benfits to sides. Stupidly, I used it without test and i still loved it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan0503 View Post
    never used tren, but used deca and loved it. i think it is the best overall steroid in terms of benfits to sides. Stupidly, I used it without test and i still loved it.
    Test/tren/deca... i think i might give it a shot. Some say it's bad some say it's amazing so i think i may try it out and see for myself

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