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Thread: n-max 400, trenbolone, primo 100, masteron 12 ml, 100 tabs 5mg winstrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    n-max 400, trenbolone, primo 100, masteron 12 ml, 100 tabs 5mg winstrol

    hi i got all the above for my course off very good friend for me to diet on, anyone know wat i should take.
    i think 1 mil primo e/o/d which gives me 300mg a week,
    1/2 mil tren e/o/d which gives me 300 mg week,
    1/2 mil n-max 400 e/o/d gives me 600 mg week
    then bout week 6 include masteron but ot sure how much as i only have 12 mil of it and how many winstrol tabs do i need as they are 5 mg tabs and have 100 of them.
    any help off u guys how that sound upto now do u think it ll work. never dieted before and never been on this type course before thanks ben:

  2. #2
    Firstly, how many mg's you get EW with EOD injects you find out by multiplying with 3,5, and not 3. I.e 0,5 ml n-max would give you 700 mg EW.

    Second, you should get the steroids that appeal to you the most and not just inject something because you have it. That's just plain stupid.

    I don't quite get what you are trying to say, but to me it seems like you have never dieted, and never cycled before? If so you don't need 5, but 1 or maybe 2 different steroids.

    It's kinda hard to help out when you don't list any stats or cycle experience. But my bet is that you are pretty new to this game and that you really should read about steroids instead of using them.

    But I guess noone here can talk you out of it. If my assumptions are right (sorry if they aren't), you should just stick with the primo and run it for 10 weeks or so. You could have used winny or masteron also, but you don't have enough of any of them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    hi thanks for the comments but i got them off friend who i asked about dietin and thats wat he gave me thats wat he reccomends. he was britains no 1 carl tiernay his name is thats who s gym in livrpool i go to. so thanks comments but he obviously knows its just i feel stupid askin him as he explained it to me while ago but i stupidly forgot. hope i aint offended u as not meant it in that way

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by ben critchley View Post
    hi thanks for the comments but i got them off friend who i asked about dietin and thats wat he gave me thats wat he reccomends. he was britains no 1 carl tiernay his name is thats who s gym in livrpool i go to. so thanks comments but he obviously knows its just i feel stupid askin him as he explained it to me while ago but i stupidly forgot. hope i aint offended u as not meant it in that way
    just b/c your friend is big, doesnt mean he knows how to cycle properly..what are your stats, age, etc? Sounds like your not ready for steroids and if you did your research you would know why your cycle sux!!! If you wanna get cut up, diet and cardio play the biggest role, not steroids..i suggest you do a lot more research before you do anything and I highly suggest you learn what PCT is too!

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