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Thread: Liquidex vz nolvadex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Liquidex vz nolvadex

    I'll be coming off some letro in a couple weeks, and I have some Liquidex coming to me. but It appears that AR-R's liquidex, which is supposed to be a substitute for nolvadex, won't be any help with the rebound because the ad says it's anastrozole, an AI. From what I understand, I need an SERM like nolva to counter the rebound.

    Am I right? Since AR-R doesnt offer tamoxifen, can someone gimme a source for legit nolva or is that still against the rules?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Dec 2005
    liquidex is arimidex, like you said it's an ai, not a serm. arr also offers clomid and nolva, both serms. Just click the blue words in your post to go to each.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    in that case, is there a good way to switch from letro to arimidex until i get nolva?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    yo I'm sorry I post all the time, but I screwed up pretty bad and I'm just trying to get through this. What is the best way to switch from letro to liquidex (adex)? I figured since letro is so much more powerful i'll drop it once I've tapered it down to .25mg/day and start the liquidex the last day of my letro at 1mg/day.

    Thats just a wild guess at what I should do. I'm po' so I cant get the SERM i need til i get paid again so this is what I'm working with.

    Thanks again to all you dudes for helping a novice avoid screwing up his life.

  5. #5
    Wow, uh dude you need a serm, its not really an option, you should have planned this out before you even started anything bro. If u only got Liquidex take it at .5mg a day and pray u get a serm quick, you have 2 weeks after your cycle to start on serm

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Really? I thought I'd be ok on letro or any sufficient AI for several weeks as long as I had a SERM to block the rebound when I come off it...

    So, take .5mg liquidex/day after i drop my letro...

    BTW, I dropped my cycle 1 1/2 weeks ago bc of gyno symptoms. I had only been on it for 8 days, was my first cycle - 20mg/day of a PH similar to Superdrol. You're telling me my AIs are worthless if I use them a few weeks and then only use an SERM to counter the rebound down the road?

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