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    Pregnenlone enhance gear????

    HRT doc prescribed me prenenlone with my cyp and said that it was a mother steriod that would help my body better use my test and dhea.

    what is it?

    Any experience with using it with gear?

  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    What does it do? The functions of pregnenolone in the body are not well known. Pregnenolone serves as a precursor to other hormones, including dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and progesterone.1 It has been suggested that the role of pregnenolone in the body is to serve as a "mother-steroid " (precursor hormone), and that it has no function on its own. More research is needed to determine the functions (if any) of pregnenolone in the body. Many effects of pregnenolone on the nervous system have been studied. Rat studies indicate powerful memory enhancing effects,2 far beyond that of other neuroactive substances.3 4 In healthy men aged twenty to thirty, administration of pregnenolone (1 mg daily) was found to improve sleep quality and decrease intermittent wakefulness.5

    It has been suggested that this hormone may play a role in the neuroendocrine response to stress. During periods of stress, the output of adrenal steroids increases. The increased output of these steroids has been associated with increased fatigue in army pilots resulting in poor performance. In a study of pilots under stress, pregnenolone therapy (25 mg, twice daily) improved performance with no adverse side effects.6 In a rat study of the stress response, an increase in anxiety was observed following administration of pregnenolone. It is suggested that this is a beneficial response during a stressful period and is initiated through the nervous system.7

    In a rat model of spinal cord injury, pregnenolone administration in conjunction with an anti-inflammatory medication (indomethacin) and an immune modulating medication (bacterial lipopolysaccharide) resulted in a statistically significant improvement in motor function relative to controls. The control groups included rats on other combinations of the medications and other anti-inflammatory medications.8 Pregnenolone appears to exhibit an antagonistic effect on the calming receptors in the brain (GABA receptors), resulting in an excitatory effect. It is possible that this alteration in nervous system transmission could contribute to seizure activity.9 10

    It is known that steroid hormones effect mood and behavior through the nervous system. In individuals with either current depression or a history of depression, pregnenolone (in the cerebrospinal fluid) was found to be significantly lower than in healthy people. In addition, it was found that patients with active depression had lower levels of pregnenolone compared with those with a prior history of depression.11

    In a double blind placebo-controlled study of elderly women with wrinkles, daily application of a pregnenolone acetate (0.5 percent) cream improved the visible wrinkling of the skin. When the treatment was discontinued, the benefit was not maintained. Because the results were only temporary, it is suggested that the beneficial effect of the cream was due to improved hydration of the skin.12

    Researchers have reported on the use of pregnenolone in a variety of rheumatologic diseases. In a study of pregnenolone therapy (intramuscular injection, 50–600 mg daily) for rheumatoid arthritis, six of eleven individuals experienced moderate to marked improvement in symptoms of joint pain and joint mobility. The symptom improvement was apparent two to four days after therapy was initiated. In a study of thirteen adults with osteoarthritis, pregnenolone therapy reduced the pain and improved the range of motion in seven of the study participants. Pain recurred when therapy was discontinued. In a person who suffered from gouty arthritis and was unresponsive to traditional medications, pregnenolone therapy resulted in a dramatic response within three days of initiating therapy. This patient received 300 mg daily of pregnenolone (by intramuscular injection) for four weeks, followed by 200 mg weekly of pregnenolone as a maintenance dose. This study of pregnenolone therapy in rheumatologic diseases also reports a substantial benefit in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), psoriasis, and scleroderma. Of the 59 individuals reported in this paper, the only adverse effect was redness or pain at the site of injection. No systemic adverse effects were reported.13
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    There has been strong association between low DHEA and bone loss in post-menopausal women. Both estrogen and progesterone help to keep bone mass at healthy levels. Estrogen inhibits the robbing of calcium from the bone while progesterone stimulates bone formation. Since DHEA helps with the synthesis of both of these hormones as well as protecting against heart disease, it is easy to understand why DHEA is so widely recommended. Each Capsule provides: 10 mg. DHEA, 15 mg Pregnenolone

    Where is it found? The cells of the adrenal gland, as well as the central nervous system, synthesize pregnenolone. Human studies show that there are much higher concentrations of pregnenolone in the nervous tissue than in the bloodstream.14 Animal studies indicate that pregnenolone is found in the brain in ten-fold larger concentrations than the other stress-related hormones (including DHEA).15 Pregnenolone is present in the blood as both free pregnenolone and a more stable form, pregnenolone-sulfate.

    Who is likely to be deficient? Since it is not an essential nutrient, pregnenolone is not associated with a deficiency state.

    How much is usually taken? Pregnenolone is generally available in amounts of 10 to 30 mg. It is unknown what amount of pregnenolone is necessary for autoimmune diseases, preventive therapy, or memory enhancement, especially since studies were performed primarily on rats, and used an injectable form of the hormone. Many studies have indicated a U-shaped distribution16 in the therapeutic response to pregnenolone therapy. The U-shaped distribution describes a benefit of low dose pregnenolone, a loss of effect with increasing dose of pregnenolone, and a second peak of benefit with higher doses of the steroid. It is unknown what dosage range is represented in either part of the U-shaped curve for humans, and whether or not this curve is altered by disease.

    Are there any side effects or interactions? Due to its antagonistic effects on the GABA receptor in the central nervous system, pregnenolone therapy may be contraindicated in people with a history of seizures. Pregnenolone may inhibit drugs used to increase GABA activity (i.e., neurontin); these drugs are frequently used in the treatment of epilepsy and depression. Pregnenolone supplementation may increase progesterone levels and consequently other hormones in the body (testosterone and estradiol). Pregnenolone may cause disturbances in the endocrine system, including changes in the menstrual cycle and problems with hormone sensitive diseases, or it may interact with hormone therapy such as oral contraceptives. The side effects and interactions with other therapies are currently unknown.

    1. Akwa Y, Young J, Kabbadj K, et al. Neurosteroids: biosynthesis, metabolism and function of pregnenolone and dehydroepiandrosterone in the brain. J Steroid Biochem Molec Biol 1991;40(1–3):71–81.
    2. Isaacson RL, Varner JA, Baars JM, de Wied D. The effects of pregnenolone sulfate and ethylestrenol on retention of a passive avoidance task. Brain Res 1995;689:79–84.
    3. Flood JF, Morley JE, Roberts E. Pregnenolone sulfate enhances post-training memory processes when injected in very low doses into limbic system structures: The amygdala is by far the most sensitive. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1995;92:10806–810.
    4. Flood JF, Morley JE, Roberts E. Memory-enhancing effects in male mice of pregnenolone and steroids metabolically derived from it. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1992;89:1567–71.
    5. Steiger A, Trachsel L, Guldner J, et al. Neurosteroid pregnenolone induces sleep-EEG changes in man compatible with inverse agonistic GABAA-receptor modulation. Brain Res 1993;615:267–74.
    6. Pincus G, Hoagland H. Effects of administered pregnenolone on fatiguing psychomotor performance. Aviation Med 1944;April:98–115.
    7. Melchior CL, Ritzmann RF. Pregnenolone and pregnenolone sulfate, alone and with ethanol, in mice on the plus-maze. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1994;48(4):893–97.
    8. Guth L, Zhang Z, Roberts E. Key role for pregnenolone in combination therapy that promotes recovery after spinal cord injury. 1994;91:12308–312.
    9. Wu FS, Gibbs TT, Farb DH Pregnenolone sulfate: a positive allosteric modulator at the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. Mol Pharmacol 1991;40(3):333–36.
    10. Maione S, Berrino L, Vitagliano S, et al. Pregnenolone sulfate increases the convulsant potency of N-methyl-D-aspartate in mice. Eur J Pharmacol 1992;219:477–79.
    11. George MS, Guidotti A, Rubinow D, et al. CSF neuroactive steroids in affective disorders: pregnenolone, progesterone and DBI. Biol Psychiatry 1994;35(10):775–80.
    12. Sternberg TH, LeVan P, Wright ET. The hydrating effects of pregnenolone acetate on the human skin. Curr Ther Res 1961;3(11):469–71.
    13. McGavack TH, Chevalley J, Weissberg J. The use of D 5-pregnenolone in various clinical disorders. J Clin Endocrinol 1951;11(6):559–77.
    14. Morfin R, Young J, Corpechot C, et al. Neurosteroids: pregnenolone in human sciatic nerves. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1992;89:6790–793.
    15. Akwa Y, Young J, Kabbadj K, et al. Neurosteroids: biosynthesis, metabolism and function of pregnenolone and dehydroepiandrosterone in the brain. J Steroid Biochem Molec Biol 1991;40(1–3):71–81.
    16. Isaacson RL, Varner JA, Baars JM, de Wied D. The effects of pregnenolone sulfate and ethylestrenol on retention of a passive avoidance task. Brain Res 1995;689:79–84.

  3. #3
    stitch1967's Avatar
    stitch1967 is offline Member
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    Thanks merc....I've found some interesting articles on it on the internet as well.

    Is it recommended as far as cycling let's say prop and primo?

  4. #4
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by stitch1967 View Post
    Thanks merc....I've found some interesting articles on it on the internet as well.

    Is it recommended as far as cycling let's say prop and primo?
    I would stick to with what your doc advises ...


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